
>From the information that you just gave, it appears that the corundum 012 and 
>siderite 012 are not well resolved causing more of the siderite 012 intensity 
>to be attributed to the corundum 012 and an overestimation of corundum.  If it 
>is a microabsorption problem, you wouldn't get a good QPA data without PO 
>correction to start with. If you can, reduce the receiving slit size and run 
>the sample again or don't correct for PO.

Dipo Omotoso   

-----Original Message-----
Sent: October 28, 2008 8:24 AM
Subject: RE: Quantitative analysis

>Dear all,

the well-known data are: CaCO3 (20%), CaF2 (35%), SiO2 (1%), Al2O3 (20%), and 
FeCO3 (24%). The data obtained without PO are: CaCO3 (24%), CaF2 (36%), SiO2 
(1%), Al2O3 (17%), and FeCO3 (23%). The data obtained with PO
are: CaCO3 (19%), CaF2 (32%), SiO2 (2%), Al2O3 (31%), and FeCO3 (16%).
it seems to have a problem among Al2O3 and FeCO3 data after PO.


 Dear all,
> The data collection conditions is: hand grind (35 microns), scan:
> 2Theta/Theta Coupled, to steps 2 sec., target Cu, graphite 
> monochromator, side loading. The correction of preferential 
> orientation has been refined by March-Dollase model.
> Thanks a lot,
> Mario.
> Dear Mario,
>> Please tell me a little about the data collection conditions you used 
>> for this work:-
>> How was the sample prepared (hand ground, micronised in McCrone mill
>> ????)
>> What was the tube target Cu, Co, other ??
>> Cheers
>> Ian Madsen
>> ________________________________________
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 2:48 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Quantitative analysis
>> Dear all,
>> I have this question,
>> I have been refined one mixture (of well-know percentage composition) 
>> of CaCO3, CaF2, SiO2 and Al2O3, with preferential orientation in 
>> CaCO3
>> (104)
>> and CaF2 (111) with good results. When I add to the mixture FeCO3 and 
>> I refine with preferential orientation (104), it happens that when I 
>> don´t apply the preferential orientation in all this phases, I have 
>> correct values of percentage composition, but when I apply the 
>> preferential orientation the refinement is good but with incorrect 
>> values of percentage composition. This experiment has been taken in 
>> Bragg Brentano geometry.
>> How I should refine this mixture?
>> Thanks a lot by your help.
>> Mario Macías
>> Universidad Industrial de Santander
>> Colombia

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