Dear colleagues, I am facing a problem of correlating laser scattering (DLS) and X-ray diffraction data. For correct comparison, I need either to calculate some model distribution from X-ray data (this is feasible assuming lognormal distribution - there are ready software solutions for that) or typical "X-ray sizes" (Dv and/or Da) from given distributions. The inverse task (calculating Dv and/or Da from given distributions) appears to be very simple, but it seems there is no ready software solution, and I need to manually integrate the data. But before doing that I would like just to be sure that I use correct formulae. I read the paper dealing with that in great detail (JAC, 35, 338 by Popa & Balzar, Ref. 1), but it is too mathematical, and I am not completely confident if I understood everything correctly. If we denote distribution (normalized to unity) as p(x), x=particle size then, according to Ref.1: Dv=3mu_4/2mu_3 (1) and Da=4mu_3/3mu_2 (2)
Do I understand correctly, that moments mu_i are just: mu_i=Int[0, Infinity]{x^i*p(x)dx} Or there are some missing factors somewhere? Sincerely, Maxim. ------------------------------------------- Dr. Maxim Lobanov R&D Director Huntsman-NMG mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ********************************* If you encounter any difficulties sending e-mails to the addresses in domain, this could be due to the our spam filter malfunction. In case of such an event please send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please note that the old domain does not exist anymore - please update your address book accordingly