Re: VNC via dial-up networking ?

2000-11-28 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Mark, It sounds like the PC you are trying to connect from does not have an appropriate IP route to the dialed-in machine. Try one of the following: 1) On the PC where you want to run the viewer, set the RAS server as the default gateway in "Network Nbrhood->Properties->Protocols-> TCP/IP->Prope

Reply-To: (was Re: VNC via dial-up networking ?)

2000-11-28 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
My apologies for spamming the list with my previous reply to Mark's message. Apparently all vnc-list messages come with a "Reply-To" setting of "vnc-list", which I did not notice at the time. Why is this the case? Personally I expect my MUA's "Reply" function to reply to the author and "Reply All

Re: SSH and VNC

2000-11-30 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Serge Dutremble wrote: > > I have tried to use SSH as specified in the documentation for encrypting my VNC > session. > > I have succesfully installed OpenSSH on two Linux PCs and I can SSH between the > two just fine. > > (PC1 is client and PC2 is server) > On establishing the redirection from

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-05 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jon Smith wrote: > > First of all thank you to everyone that helped me solve the problem of getting vnc >to work with windows ME ICS. > > I now have another problem. I want to be able to access VNC running on my home >computer from school. They have a proxy running and probably only on port

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-05 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jens Wagner wrote: > > "Joseph A. Knapka" schrieb: > > > ... > > It would be nice if the server could serve the Java applet via > > HTTP on the RFB port, but unfortunately the RFB handshake > > begins with the server writing the RFB protocol version,

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-05 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jens Wagner wrote: > > "Joseph A. Knapka" schrieb: > > > ... > > It would be nice if the server could serve the Java applet via > > HTTP on the RFB port, but unfortunately the RFB handshake > > begins with the server writing the RFB protocol version,

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-05 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Oops. Better make sure that FP only gets allocated if we really need it... Here's a corrected patch. Sorry... -- Joe "Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > Jens Wagner wrote: > > > > "Joseph A. Knapka" schrieb: > > > > > ... > >

Re: port80 WinVNC patch?

2000-12-06 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
if we really need it... Here's a corrected patch. > Sorry... > > -- Joe > > "Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > > > Jens Wagner wrote: > > > > > > "Joseph A. Knapka" schrieb: > > > > > > > ... > > >

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-06 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > > > It would be nice if the server could serve the Java applet via > > > > HTTP on the RFB port, but unfortunately the RFB handshake One more fix (last one, I promise): in the unlikely event that the fdopen() call fails, we should

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-06 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > > > > > It would be nice if the server could serve the Java applet via > > > > > HTTP on the RFB port, but unfortunately the RFB handshake Here's a patch for WinVNC. I've also made a WinVNC 3.3.3r

Re: Vnc Java Compile is a no-go!

2000-12-07 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Hi Frank, You need to point your browser at http://hostname:58xx where xx is the display number (almost certainly zero if you are using WinVNC). The browser downloads the Java viewer from that port using HTTP, then connects to the VNC server at port 59xx and initiates the VNC session using RFB.

HTTP-via-RFB patches

2000-12-07 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
The patches for serving the Java viewer via the RFB port are now available at The patched WinVNC is there as well. -- Joe Knapka - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: u

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-08 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jon Smith wrote: > > I downloaded your patch for win VNC so that i would be able to use VNC at school > (which has a proxy only allowing some ports like port 80) I changed the port > setting in the registry to port 80 and i have just tried to access my home computer > from school using the java

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-08 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Harmen van der Wal wrote: > > "Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > > > Jon Smith wrote: > > > > > > I downloaded your patch for win VNC so that i would be able to use VNC at school > > > (which has a proxy only allowing some ports like port 80) I

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-08 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Harmen van der Wal wrote: > > "Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > > > Harmen van der Wal wrote: > > > > > > For those who must go through their LAN's HTTP proxy there's a bunch of > > > http-tunnel-tools out there, but it would be ideal

Re: VNC on port 80

2000-12-08 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Harmen van der Wal wrote: > > "Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > > > Harmen van der Wal wrote: > <...> > > I understand now. Is there any standard for tunnelling other > > protocols over HTTP, or do all of those services use their > > own ad-

Re: Java Xvnc quit working!

2000-12-09 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Frank Griffith wrote: > > I installed Xvnc on my FreeBSD 4.2 server. Everything > looked great. The VNCViewer sessions went smooth > and I was truly impressed with the Java scripts which > allowed seeing the KDE desktop of the Unix server in > an IE5 browser window. > > But this morning I tried

HTTP tunneling

2000-12-10 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Hi, Harmen, Toward the bottom are patches for Xvnc and WinVNC that attempt to implement HTTP tunnelling. They just look for a POST request on the RFB port, reply with an HTTP "OK", and then start the RFB handshake. These patches should not interfe

Re: Problems compiling Xvnc on Solaris 7 x86

2000-12-15 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Andreas Schmidt wrote: > > Hello, > > yes - you must change vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/site.def. > Uncomment the lines > > /* > #ifndef HasGcc2 > #define HasGcc2 YES > #endif > */ > > by removing "#". That should do the job. ...although it is possible that removing /* */ might work better :-)

Re: Problems with Compiling Xvnc

2000-12-20 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
It looks as if Phillip ran "xmkmf" before running "make World". On my Linux box that results in exactly the problem described. You need to just unpack the tarball and do "cd vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc ; make World" -- Joe Carlyle Sutphen wrote: > > It should be made during the make World run. > > Did yo

Re: VNC and SSH

2000-12-20 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Erdely, Michael" wrote: > > Is your goal to use the java client from a web browser? If not, let's > abandon that line of thinking now. > > First of all, find out what port VNC Server is running on. Make sure that > "Allow Loopback" is enabled. > >From the client, run "ssh -L 5920:localhost:59

Re: VNC and SSH

2000-12-20 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > "Erdely, Michael" wrote: > > > > Is your goal to use the java client from a web browser? If not, let's > > abandon that line of thinking now. > > > > First of all, find out what port VNC Server i

Re: VNC and SSH

2000-12-20 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > "Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > > > "Erdely, Michael" wrote: > > > > > > Is your goal to use the java client from a web browser? If not, let's > > > abandon that line of thinking now. &

Re: VNC and SSH

2000-12-20 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Erdely, Michael" wrote: > > When you do a port forward on an SSH server, "localhost" is from the SSH > server's point of view. In this context, localhost = remotehost. > > -ME > Ah. You're right, of course. I think it was a bit confusing to me because it was not clear whether "localhost" me

Re: Problems with Compiling Xvnc

2000-12-20 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
t. It goes straight as if you > were > already logged in. This true with the JAVA implementation as well. > > Any ideas on this? > > Phillip > > > -Original Message- > From: Joseph A. Knapka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000

Re: VNC and SSH

2000-12-21 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Erdely, Michael" wrote: > > Well... I have to be honest with you, I haven't worked with the Linux > version of VNC Server for a while. And not with SSH. Maybe it is enabled > by default. Then, I'm not sure why it isn't working. > > -ME > > - Original Message - > From: "Serge Dutremb

Re: VNC and SSH - loopback connection

2000-12-21 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Erdely, Michael" wrote: > > Well... I have to be honest with you, I haven't worked with the Linux > version of VNC Server for a while. And not with SSH. Maybe it is enabled > by default. Then, I'm not sure why it isn't working. > > -ME > Indeed, Xvnc allows loopback connections by default.


2000-12-21 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 08:00:58PM -0200, Vidal Augusto Zapparoli Castro Melo wrote: > > It's possible to run vncviewer from X to WinServer? > > NO you need a vncviewer (or java enabled browser) to interpret the protocol, >although it > is like X it is NOT X. > I

Re: Noise on the vnc-list : suggestion

2000-12-22 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jean-Marie Theis wrote: > > Maybe I have a small simple suggestion concerning the way we handle > technical questions : > Once a question is launched , the rule could be to respond privately > to the person who has a problem until he has solved it. This is a good idea, but it is very inconve

Re: how to hide the VNC logo ?

2000-12-28 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"David W. Chapman Jr." wrote: > > Aren't we forgetting that what people do at work is property of the > business, from email to whatever they do at their desktop during business > hours. Granted nobody likes to be spied on, its a decision that should be > made by management/hr departments whethe

Re: how to hide the VNC logo ?

2000-12-28 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"David W. Chapman Jr." wrote: > > Then do you feel that system administrators are not allowed to check users > email Of course they are "allowed" to, but I certainly wouldn't work for a company that made it a policy to do so. I don't care what a company or individual does with VNC; I am simply e

Re: VNC and SSH - Solution found

2001-01-03 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Tim Waugh wrote: > > On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 10:56:58AM -0500, Serge Dutremble wrote: > > > I must have a problem on one end with the SSH version 2. The server end > > (remoteIP) was installed separately on Mandrake 6.2 while the workstation end > > (localIP) came pre-installed with RedHat 7.0.

Re: VNC and Firewalls, a story.

2001-01-09 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"William L. (Bill) Barth" wrote: > Assuming I understand your suggestion, the problem with trying to do > it that way is that I'm not allowed to connect directly to or open > ports on the firewall itself. All connections to the ssh port (22) on > the work firewall are forwarded (transparently to

Re: VNC Newbie

2001-01-10 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Scott Thomas wrote: > > Hello, > > I've been using VNC for about six months now. We recently got a new > voicemail system that is run off of NT Workstation 4.0. It is the server for > the PHONE system, but only a workstation within our network. I want to set > up VNC on this workstation so I can

Re: Rejected Connections via Web Interface

2001-01-20 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
pair wrote: > > Hello, [Connection refused due to rfb port blockage. Snip.] > Any ideas out there? Yes... Open ports 5900 and 5901 as well. -- Joe Knapka - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list t

Re: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-23 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
$0.02: There was a lot of heated discussion a few weeks ago about the signal/noise on the VNC list. I expect a newsgroup will cause the denominator to increase far more than the numerator, since most of the "signal" is already subscribed to the list. If a newsgroup is going to be created (a topic

Re: getting through a fire wall

2001-01-23 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Gordon Steven-QSG001 wrote: > > We have an NT machine running vnc server (3.3.3r7) outside our corporate > firewall. When we try and connect to it, using a browser (Internet > Explorer) from inside the firewall, we get the authentication screen. When > we enter the password, we then get cut off

Re: Help with VNC

2001-01-24 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Nissim Lugasy wrote: > > Hi, > > My problem is as follow: after a couple of successful login to a specific > VNC server, a subsequent login to this VNC server does not bring up the VNC > window any longer but I do see a temporarily outline of the VNC window > when connecting. Here is the log I

Re: Stream encryption - is it time?

2001-01-24 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Bryan A. Pendleton" wrote: > What is it that most users of VNC use VNC for? Remote access to their > desktop? Remote administration? In any and all of the above cases, a > typical usage scenario includes accessing VNC over a path which includes a > non-secured network, where a hacker or other ne

Re: Stream encryption - is it time?

2001-01-25 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Glenn Mabbutt wrote: > > As I posted some months ago, I've had great success using Zebedee as a > secure tunnel ( I initially tried using > SSH from cygwin, but I never did get it to work - it consistently hung on my > Win95 box, no matter what version of SSH or

Re: Stream encryption - is it time?

2001-01-25 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jonathan Morton wrote: > > >> You can't do this. That's kind of the point about SSH tunnels. If > >> you could set them up automatically, they would be completely > >> ineffective at authentication. > > > > > > > >I might have misunderstood, I don't use SSH very much, but from an > >encrypt

Re: PocketPC development

2001-01-25 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Is this just the 30-day trial version, or the real package? Are there any catches like upgrade requirements? Also, can it generate binaries for any WinCE platform (specifically, I'm interested in SH (Hitachi SuperH))? Thanks, -- Joe Mac Reiter wrote: > > By the way, if anyone wants to develop

Re: Stream encryption - is it time?

2001-01-25 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jonathan Morton wrote: > > >> >> You can't do this. That's kind of the point about SSH tunnels. If > >> >> you could set them up automatically, they would be completely > >> >> ineffective at authentication. > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >I might have misunderstood, I don't use SSH very much, b

Re: Stream encryption - is it time?

2001-01-25 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jonathan Morton wrote: > combination that happens to be running a browser? Does his network admin > require him to carry a floppy disk containing the server's encryption key, > or does he risk having the key sniffed by one of these MITM attacks (and > this one doesn't require modification of the

Re: Why *local* port forwarding?

2001-01-29 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Todd A. Jacobs" wrote: > > In order to get VNC to work over SSH, I need to forward the local > connection to the remote host instead of the other way around. This seems > a little counter-intuitive to me, and I was hoping someone could explain > why it works this way. > > Since the VNC server i

Re: problems with vnc for linux

2001-02-01 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Make sure /usr/local/bin/vncserver is executable. Also, make sure /tmp is readable and writeable by everyone. Finally, please post the exact output of "vncserver :" (eg "vncserver :1") so we can see what's really happening. -- Joe oan wrote: > > could someone pls help me with this? > > i copie

Re: owncmap and compresslevel/quality options

2001-02-02 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Todd A. Jacobs" wrote: > > I read the X viewer docs, but couldn't find an explaination for the > -compresslevel and -quality options. In addition, I didn't understand the > implications of using owncmap; does using it reduce network traffic, or > does it have some other purpose altogether? As I

Re: 5800/5900 question

2001-02-09 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Needham, Michael" wrote: > > I shall stand corrected... but does that then mean that the "webserver" > which is listening to VNC also on port 58xx? This would make sense if the Exactly. The web server, which does nothing but server up the Java applet, runs on port 5800. Once the applet is deli

Re: mapping a remote drive

2001-02-16 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Lyle wrote: > > That means opening up netbios to the world(port 138). NOT a smart idea. > You can tunnel it over SSH though. (Probably need port 139 for disk shares; I think 138 is the NetBIOS name service.) -- Joe Knapka - T

Re: About VNC Server ActiveX Control

2001-02-17 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jonathan Morton wrote: > > >Have someone converted VNC Server to a ActiveX Control(*.ocx)?//I know > >Thong Nguyen has convert VNC Client to a ActiveX Control(VNCX.ocx). > > What practical applications are there for such a thing? Being able to automate the server could be useful. It might espec

Re: mapping a remote drive

2001-02-18 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
David Rothman wrote: > > is SSH with win 2000 really a practical solution for the > 'simple' task of file xferring when ftp is an available > option, or am i missing something? > SSH is practical. It's justified if you want security; transferring files via FTP is completely insecure. I thought

Re: mapping a remote drive

2001-02-19 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
David Rothman wrote: > > - Original Message - > From: "Joseph A. Knapka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 2:49 PM > Subject: Re: mapping a remote drive > > > David Rothman wrote: > > &

Re: mapping a remote drive

2001-02-19 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
David Rothman wrote: > > first, thanks very much for the detailed response. You're welcome. > > During an FTP session, the password and all data is > transferred > > in the clear, meaning that anyone with a network sniffer > can > > get your password or your data easily. Also, there are a > >

Re: LAN settings

2001-02-21 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Can you ping the server machine from the client? Eg C:> ping Reply from ICMP sequence # 1 10ms Reply from ICMP sequence # 2 10ms ... Patrick Lim wrote: > > Hai, > > can anyone help me with this simple thing. i try for few hours now and i > am still unabl

Re: LAN settings

2001-02-21 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Patrick Lim wrote: > > Joseph, > > Thanks for the fast responce!! > > Yes i can ping the server machine and the client machine. I found out what i > have done wrong allready! i forgot to activated (Tick) the auto of incoming > connections. > Thanks for your fast reply anyway.. I am now trying t

Re: vncpasswd & scripting

2001-02-22 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Lee Allen wrote: > > I am (still) setting up a Linux system to host a bunch of VNC sessions. > This will probably be implemented on many systems, so I very much want to > get it right: to make it smooth, robust, and maintainable. > > Today's challenge is vncpasswd. > > We have a C program that

Re: VNC Ports

2001-02-26 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Brett Goldstein wrote: > > I understand that VNC uses two ports. However, as I am looking to do > multiple port mappings, I was hoping to limit it to one port. Does anyone > have any thoughts on how I can run WinVNC so that it would only have to > listen on a single port? > > Your help is grea

Re: VNC Ports

2001-02-26 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Oops. Sorry: -- Joe > "Michael F. March" wrote: > > > > > 404 Error.. > - > To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: uns

Re: VNC behind Proxy (port 80/21 open)

2001-02-27 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Is it a firewall or a proxy server? Those are two different problems, one of which is solved more-or-less completely and one of which is solved in a sort of half-fast way. If the machine between you and your VNC server is a packet-filter firewall that only allows connections to particular ports,

Re: how can i install vnc server as remote and giving thepassword and settings?

2001-02-28 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Michael Schwarz wrote: > > There are legitimate uses for this. I log on to a remote server and work on > payroll files for a remote plant. When I do this, I have no idea who may be > sitting in front of the computer. I do not want sensitive payroll > information to be shown on the screen. I curre

Re: Single Port File transfer

2001-03-05 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
SSH (scp) is probably the best solution. However, you can use FTP in PASSIVE mode, in which case it only will use one port. I'm not sure if all clients support passive mode, though (all servers should). -- Joe Jordan Share wrote: > > One thing that has come up for me, in my use of VNC to remote

Re: Single Port File transfer

2001-03-05 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jordan Share wrote: > > Well, how do use HTTP to copy files to the machine I am controlling? I have > had people tell me that this is possible, but I guess I've never really > investigated. If it involves writing ASP (or whatever) and submitting files > via the browser, this is not so much what

Re: RAS and multiple remote nodes

2001-03-05 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Ian Robinson wrote: > > Hi, > > Is it possible to use VNC in the following scenario. > > I have a remote site with an NT server and five PC's. All of the > remote machines are on a local IP address scheme of 192.168.10.x. > There is no permanent WAN connection to the outside world. Would it > b

Re: Single Port File transfer

2001-03-06 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jordan Share wrote: > > Ahh, I think there is a misconception on what passive FTP actually does. > Here is a link to (some class's notes) on ftp. Check out section 2.1 > (Passive Versus Active Mode FTP) > > [Beating self about head & shoulders w

Re: using a browser with a changed port number

2001-03-08 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jonathan Morton wrote: > > >So the connection is made on the "portnumber-100" and after the applet is > >started the connection continues on "portnumber"? > >If 3000 is an open port in the firewall and 3100 is not then I still can't > >get through? Or am I interpreting something completely fa

Re: FTP Server

2001-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jonathan Morton wrote: > > >A built-in FTP server would be great, when using internet connection, not > >lan. > > I'm thinking that maybe FTP per se isn't a good idea, mainly because it's a > surprisingly big and complex protocol to implement. Ever noticed that > *good* FTP clients and servers

Re: FTP Server

2001-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Koronka Akos wrote: > > It's ok to take focus on core devel, but adding a plug-in handling will make > easier to combine several very-very good features, what is now in different > packages. > I think so many people will make plugins if this handling is available. Like > far manager, or winamp pl

Re: Question on Vnc

2001-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
> "" wrote: > > Hi Joseph, > > I learn from Vnc news that you have encounter the problem of > the following case. > When I make connection to VNC server via browser applet ( > http://x.x.x.x:5801 ) > Error occured and here is the log file > httpd: get '' > httpd: defa

Re: FTP Server

2001-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Steve Bostedor wrote: > > I just think that installing a separate FTP program on all of the computers > that I administer is a ridiculous idea. Why not let it be part of VNC with > an option to shut it off for those of you that don't want it. I don't see > the reason for all of the venomous res


2001-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Hi everyone, We've discussed VNC plugins here recently, and I seem to recall that at some rather distant point in the past it was rumoured that the AT&T developers were working on a plug-in architecture for VNC. Is that work still in progress? Or is it something that could usefully be attacked by

Re: FTP Server

2001-03-13 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Bryan A. Pendleton" wrote: > > The whole discussion of the FTP server leads back to another thought I'd > had for a while, which came up during the discussion of including > encryption directly in the protocol that I started a few months ago (and > which I'll be bringing back up towards the end

Re: file xfer

2001-03-14 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Jonathan Morton wrote: > > Consider the scenario where a VNC user sets up a fiendishly complicated > tunnel system to get his VNC client to connect to his server, but then he > wants to do some file transfer. If the HTTP server is built into the > server (and there is usually already one present


2001-03-19 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Tim, > True that the data stream is unencrypted, but since we're talking > about RFB data... merely sniffing the data wouldn't tell anyone much of > anything unless they have something to decode it (like vncviewer), eh? Same > holds true of controlling a VNC

Re: pcanywhere functionality

2001-03-31 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
Mark wrote: > > > If you are talking about the windowing system that Solaris normally > displays, then it should just be a matter of starting the CDE in the VNC > startup scripts (I forget how...). Edit ~/.vnc/xstartup appropriately. > If you are talking about taking what is displayed on a So

Re: Setting up win32 vncserver completely from command line?

2001-04-02 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Thanks very much, > > This is what I thought I knew already... but I still need to try and > configure port and password via command lines or registry entries without > using any GUI as my admin interface is just a web browser at the moment. > > >You'll either have

Re: Win32 - 3.3.3r9 - password exploit?

2001-04-03 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > I am not sure if this has been noticed, or if VNC does not like special > characters as a password, but within the Win version I had set the password > to "QPH@#as9%" without the "". When I use the viewer to access the server I > can use ANY character as the last cha

Re: Can Not Delete VNC files

2001-04-04 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Yes, Winvnc is running but my uninstall procedure stops Winvnc service first > before deleting the files and folders. I don't think reboot is necessary. I > noticed if I wait about couple minutes then run the uninstall procedure > again. The file and the folder will g

Converting display numbers for different ports

2001-04-06 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
[Possibly this should be in the FAQ. It doesn't come up very often on the list, but two or three people have sent me emails directly. I'll add it to my VNC page as well.] "Keyur M. Parekh" wrote: > > Hi Joseph, > > I was searching the VNC mailing list archives for help with firewall > issues an

Re: Converting display numbers for different ports

2001-04-06 Thread Joseph A. Knapka
"Joseph A. Knapka" wrote: > > [Possibly this should be in the FAQ. It doesn't come up very > often on the list, but two or three people have sent me > emails directly. I'll add it to my VNC page as well.] I feel a bit silly for not having reviewed the FAQ befo