Harmen van der Wal wrote:
> "Joseph A. Knapka" wrote:
> >
> > Harmen van der Wal wrote:
> <...>
> > I understand now. Is there any standard for tunnelling other
> > protocols over HTTP, or do all of those services use their
> > own ad-hoc methods?
> Well, I'm no expert on this, but I've been planning to look into this
> for a while now, and maybe build the ideal firewall Java viewer;-) I
> guess the techiniques are pretty standard.
> This discusses them in some detail, and has the Java-utils ready made:
> http://www.mokabyte.it/2000/06/firewallutil.htm
This looks very easy. It seems to imply that once the client and
the server have exchanged a POST and response with no content-length
specified, they can carry on their RFB conversation without
interference from the proxy, provided the same connection
is used. I will look at adding support for this to my server
patches, once I'm sure I understand it.
> I remember there's also some coding examples on Suns Java site, on the
> subject of thread pools, if I'm not mistaken. I'd have to look it up.
> I don't think we want Java on the server-side though.
Possibly the author of the Java VNC server package would like
to comment (jVNC? VNCj?).
> Also check out:
> http://www.nocrew.org/software/httptunnel.html
> Maybe we, and Jonathan? can collaborate on this...
That sounds like a good idea. I think I can handle the Win
and X servers :-) It may also make sense to add HTTP tunneling
to the native viewers, since the Java viewer is very noticably
-- Joe
> CU,
> Harmen.
> >
> > > But if I'm not mistaken, an applet talking HTTP (besides HTTP CONNECT
> > > off course) will automatically use the browsers proxy configuration,
> > > without raising security objections as far as the HTTP-proxy-host is
> > > concerned. This would allow for an applet encapsulating rfb in HTTP,
> > > transparently using any LAN HTTP proxy.
> >
> > This seems to be the ideal solution. Though I'm not sure "ideal"
> > is the ideal word to describe it...
> >
> > > Now that would render both your and my patch useless;-) Well at least in
> > > most cases:-((
> >
> > Woo hoo!
> >
> <...>
> --
> Harmen
> Firewall VNC Client: http://www.workspot.net/~harmen/vnc/readme.html
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-- Joe Knapka
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