> Yes, Winvnc is running but my uninstall procedure stops Winvnc service first
> before deleting the files and folders. I don't think reboot is necessary. I
> noticed if I wait about couple minutes then run the uninstall procedure
> again. The file and the folder will get deleted. I need to find out where
> the "hook" is so I can speed up the uninstall process.
> Gary Wong
> Oregon Department of Transportation
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mac Reiter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Can Not Delete VNC files
> >is a file named VNCHooks.dll in the ORL\vnc folder that seems can not be
> >deleted sometime. Any one have any idea why sometime that file is being
> >locked. Thanks!
> Is WinVNC running when you try to delete it? After starting WinVNC, you
> may need to reboot Windows before trying to uninstall it. VNC has to hook
> into various pieces of the operating system, and sometimes those hooks
> aren't unhookable... (or at least, not easily unhookable)
Disclaimer: I know very little of the details of the WinVNC screen
acquisition code. But my understanding is that VNCHooks.dll actually
gets injected into running applications in order to allow WinVNC
to intercept screen updates; maybe it takes some time for those
applications to realize that WinVNC has stopped and unload the
DLL? Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
-- Joe Knapka
"It was just a maddened crocodile hidden in a flower bed. It could
have happened to anyone." -- Pratchett
// Linux MM Documentation in progress:
// http://home.earthlink.net/~jknapka/linux-mm/vmoutline.html
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