Scott Thomas wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using VNC for about six months now. We recently got a new
> voicemail system that is run off of NT Workstation 4.0. It is the server for
> the PHONE system, but only a workstation within our network. I want to set
> up VNC on this workstation so I can do all of the phone/voicemail
> changes/administration from my workstation, or from any remote location.
> Since it is not a valid server within the network, is there a way to where I
> can still access it by using it's IP address or do I have to promote that
> workstation to a server?

VNC doesn't care about Windows networking stuff at all. Just install
VNC, run "WinVNC -install" to install it as a service, and away
you go.

(Assuming of course the machines on your network actually have
the TCP/IP stack installed. It used to be possible to configure
Win machines with only NETBEUI, I think, but I belive those
days are long gone.)

-- Joe Knapka
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