Jonathan Morton wrote:
> >So the connection is made on the "portnumber-100" and after the applet is
> >started the connection continues on "portnumber"?
> >If 3000 is an open port in the firewall and 3100 is not then I still can't
> >get through????? Or am I interpreting something completely false here????
> Yes, the applet is loaded though the lower (HTTP) port and the VNC
> connection itself always happens on the higher (VNC) port.  VNC *never*
> sends remote-control data through HTTP, at least in the main
> implementations.  I did see someone combining the two at one point, but I
> think that was for Xvnc, not WinVNC.

There are HTTP-via-RFB patches for both Xvnc and WinVNC at . With these
patches you only need to have the RFB port open at the
firewall to use the Java viewer.

-- Joe Knapka
"It was just a maddened crocodile hidden in a flower bed.
It could have happened to anyone!" -- Pratchett
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