Glenn Mabbutt wrote:
> As I posted some months ago, I've had great success using Zebedee as a
> secure tunnel (  I initially tried using
> SSH from cygwin, but I never did get it to work - it consistently hung on my
> Win95 box, no matter what version of SSH or what version of the Cygwin DLL.
> So, my point is, using a form of encryption (ideally) should be as easy as
> possible - don't get me wrong, I love to fiddle with settings and whatnot,
> but I don't have unlimited time, either. I would be in favour of an
> automated solution incorporated into VNC.

This is why I say it would be "nice" to have VNC be secure "out of the
box."  When you know what you're doing, SSH tunnels are simple to use,
but if the only thing you need is VNC, especially on Win32, you
probably don't want to fool with SSH or other tunneling technology.
If the security was integrated (even if it means the VNC installer
automatically installs and configures SSH and SSHD, which personally
I think would be a lot more trouble than just integrating the SSH
authentication and encryption functionality into the VNC binary),
then it would reduce the level of frustration with VNC security issues,
and the related traffic on this list, by a significant degree, IMO.
VNC would also, I expect, end up more secure than the commercial
remote control software that's *advertised* as "secure".

BTW, I think there's already an Xvnc (maybe Const's?) that can
automatically set up SSH tunnels.

-- Joe Knapka
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