"Todd A. Jacobs" wrote:
> I read the X viewer docs, but couldn't find an explaination for the
> -compresslevel and -quality options. In addition, I didn't understand the
> implications of using owncmap; does using it reduce network traffic, or
> does it have some other purpose altogether?

As I understand it:

-owncmap makes the viewer install its own colormap, rather than using
the X server's global one. That means that the viewer will be able
to allocate all the colors it needs (rather than depending on them
being available in the global colormap), but there may be some strange
visual effects on the rest of the screen when focusing and defocusing
the vncviewer window, since the X server will switch to the vncviewer's
private colormap - which most likely has no sensible colors for the
other applications - when the vncviewer window is brought into focus.
If you're running a TrueColor visual on the X server, this option
shouldn't be necessary; only palletized visual modes use colormaps.
(Note that this discussion has nothing to do with the visual in use
by the VNC server; only the X server on which vncviewer is running.)
I would be surprised if -owncmap has any effect on network traffic.

Don't know about -compresslevel and -quality.

-- Joe Knapka
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