"Erdely, Michael" wrote:
> Is your goal to use the java client from a web browser? If not, let's
> abandon that line of thinking now.
> First of all, find out what port VNC Server is running on. Make sure that
> "Allow Loopback" is enabled.
> >From the client, run "ssh -L 5920:localhost:5902 remotehost" This assumes
> that VNC Server is running on port 5902 on the remote host. Also,
> localhost, in this context, is referring to "localhost" from the SSH
> Server's point of view... meaning: itself. Now, connect, from the client,
> to localhost:20 using the vncviewer.
> Now, if your goal _IS_ to use the java client from a web browser, make sure
> that 1. VNC Server _IS_ running on 5902. Also make sure that nothing is
> running on the client machine on ports 5902 or 5802. Now, make your ssh
> connection like this: ssh -L 5902:localhost:5902 -L 5802:localhost:5802
> remotehost. Next, use your web browser and connect to
> http://remotehost:5802/. Bingo.
Just to avoid further confusion: you surely meant to say "connect to
-- Joe Knapka
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