Brett Goldstein wrote:
> I understand that VNC uses two ports. However, as I am looking to do
> multiple port mappings, I was hoping to limit it to one port. Does anyone
> have any thoughts on how I can run WinVNC so that it would only have to
> listen on a single port?
> Your help is greatly appreciated.
> -Brett
If you absolutely must use the Java viewer and only one port per
server (I can't offhand imagine a scenario that would require
this, but whatever), there are patches at the following URL to
allow Xvnc and WinVNC to deliver the Java viewer via the RFB port,
which means you can just aim your browser at
(Ignore the part about "tunnelling RFB over HTTP"; those patches
have never been tested, and there's no viewer that will work
with them AFAIK.)
-- Joe Knapka
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