Serge Dutremble wrote:
> I have tried to use SSH as specified in the documentation for encrypting my VNC
> session.
> I have succesfully installed OpenSSH on two Linux PCs and I can SSH between the
> two just fine.
> (PC1 is client and PC2 is server)
> On establishing the redirection from PC1 using:
> ssh -L 5802:home.dns.entry:5801 home.dns.entry
> I get prompted for the VNC password and allowed in OK. I now have a SSH
> terminal session on PC2.
> I then try to open a VNC connection from PC1 using the netscape browser at the
> following URL:
> http://localhost:5802
> I get an error message on PC1 stating that "a network error occured while
> Netscape was receiving data.(Network error: broken pipe) Try connecting again.
> On my PC2 ssh terminal session, I get the following error:
> "channel_open_failure:2 reason 1: bla bla"
> The connection works fine without the encryption. I.E:
> http://home.dns.entry:5801
> Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong?
ssh -L 5902:home.dns.entry:5901 -L 5802:home.dns.entry:5801
You must forward the rfb port as well as the http port.
- Joe
> Serge.
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