Lee Allen wrote:
> I am (still) setting up a Linux system to host a bunch of VNC sessions.
> This will probably be implemented on many systems, so I very much want to
> get it right: to make it smooth, robust, and maintainable.
> Today's challenge is vncpasswd.
> We have a C program that maintains users.  It calls useradd, passwd,
> smbpasswd, creates login scripts -- everything necessary to create a fully
> functional user profile on Linux and in our application database.
> I need to incorporate vncpasswd into this program.  But, unlike passwd and
> smbpasswd, vncpasswd does not seem to accept input from stdin.  I looked at
> the source code (Notice: I am *NOT* the world's smartest C programmer) and
> it seems to call getpass().  I looked at the man page for getpass() and it
> seems able to accept input from stdin.  But many different variations of
> this (at the command line) utterly fail to work:
> echo -e "newpass\nnewpass" | vncpasswd
> It still prompts for the password, twice.
> Any suggestions?

For what it's worth, Expect ( http://expect.nist.gov ) interacts
with vncpasswd quite nicely; the following expect script changes
my password to "hithere" on my Linux machine:

spawn vncpasswd
expect Password:
send hithere\r
expect Verify:
send hithere\r

So maybe you could have a look at the Expect code and see
how it's interacting with spawned apps. Note that I didn't
have to do anything special to make this work, so whatever
Expect is doing is probably the Right Way to handle
this sort of thing.

-- Joe Knapka
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