Jon Smith wrote:
> First of all thank you to everyone that helped me solve the problem of getting vnc
>to work with windows ME ICS.
> I now have another problem. I want to be able to access VNC running on my home
>computer from school. They have a proxy running and probably only on port 80 and
>port 21. I have tried changing the port used by VNC to port 80 and port 21 and when
>trying to connect on the web (using the java applet) I get a page with the characters
>"RFB 003.003" and thats it. Does anyone know why this isn't working? Why isn't it
>advisable to use ports like port 80 with vnc? How does the proxy handle the data
>used on this port? If the java applet connects on this port will the proxy think its
>loading up a web site a million times?!
If you use the native VNC viewer for your platform and tell it to
connect to port 80, it should work. Your problem occurs because
the Java viewer is downloaded on one port (typically 5800+display),
but the RFB protocol uses a different one (typically 5900+display).
You've probably got the server listening for RFB connections on
port 80, and HTTP connections on 5800.
It would be nice if the server could serve the Java applet via
HTTP on the RFB port, but unfortunately the RFB handshake
begins with the server writing the RFB protocol version,
whereas the HTTP handshake begins with the client sending an
HTTP request -- which means the server can't decide what
to do based on the client's request. Darn.
-- Joe
> Thanks in advance,
> Jon Smith.
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