Jon Smith wrote:
> I downloaded your patch for win VNC so that i would be able to use VNC at school
> (which has a proxy only allowing some ports like port 80)  I changed the port
> setting in the registry to port 80 and i have just tried to access my home computer
> from school using the java applet through the web page.  The java applet loads up
> fine but when i enter a password it comes back with an error message a couple of
> minutes later saying somthing like "operation timed out, no connection to host" what
> could be cauusing this?  Does the java applet know to use the proxy server of the
> school?

The Java applet -- aah. Probably doesn't know it has to go through port
80 to get to the VNC server. It is probably trying to use 5900 or

I will investigate this. It will probably mean adding an option to the
Java viewer to select which port to connect on.

-- Joe

> Thanks,
> Jon
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