"Erdely, Michael" wrote: > > Well... I have to be honest with you, I haven't worked with the Linux > version of VNC Server for a while. And not with SSH. Maybe it is enabled > by default. Then, I'm not sure why it isn't working. > > -ME > Indeed, Xvnc allows loopback connections by default. -- Joe Knapka --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Re: VNC and SSH Joseph A. Knapka
- Re: VNC and SSH Erdely, Michael
- Re: VNC and SSH Joseph A. Knapka
- Re: VNC and SSH Serge Dutremble
- Re: VNC and SSH Erdely, Michael
- Re: VNC and SSH Serge Dutremble
- Re: VNC and SSH Erdely, Michael
- Re: VNC and SSH Joseph A. Knapka
- Re: VNC and SSH, tru the f... hvrietsc
- Re: VNC and SSH Serge Dutremble
- VNC and SSH Joseph A. Knapka
- VNC and SSH Scott C. Best
- Re: VNC and SSH Erdely, Michael
- Re: VNC and SSH John Creegan
- Re: VNC and SSH Glendon Gross
- Re: VNC and SSH Charles Hines
- Re: VNC and SSH Ehud Karni
- Re: VNC and SSH David Smith
- Re: Re: VNC and SSH John Creegan
- RE: Re: VNC and SSH Marcus Mills
- RE: VNC and SSH Habermann, David (DA)