"Bryan A. Pendleton" wrote:

> What is it that most users of VNC use VNC for? Remote access to their
> desktop? Remote administration? In any and all of the above cases, a
> typical usage scenario includes accessing VNC over a path which includes a
> non-secured network, where a hacker or other nefarious person might gain
> information they shouldn't, just by passively listening on the line.

Agreed. Having VNC be secure out-of-the-box would be really nice.
Obviously not indispensible, but nice.

> I want to stir up a discussion, but I think the specifics of development
> might be better taken elsewhere. Any developers out there want to help me?

I would be interested in working on this. There has been some discussion
of a protocol plug-in architecture for VNC; if that's immanent, perhaps
it will provide part of the solution. Anyhow, I imagine a good strategy
would be to steal from the best and hijack some OpenSSH/SSLeay code,
than writing some new thing that may or may not "really" be secure.
I think that at least initially, wrapping the existing protocol is the
way to go, rather than inventing a new encoding.

-- Joe Knapka
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