Mark wrote:
> If you are talking about the windowing system that Solaris normally
> displays, then it should just be a matter of starting the CDE in the VNC
> startup scripts (I forget how...).

Edit ~/.vnc/xstartup appropriately.
> If you are talking about taking what is displayed on a Solaris monitor and
> running that through VNC, then you have another issue entirely.  The short
> answer is that no, you can't do that with VNC.  The long answer is that you
> could, but it would probably involve hacking both VNC and X (has anyone else
> already tried this?).

Yes, this question comes up about twice a week. Look in the
"contributed" section of for
"x0rfbserver". It does not require either X or VNC to be
rebuilt; it's just an app that you run which then delivers
an existing X desktop to clients via RFB.

-- Joe

-- Joe Knapka
"It was just a maddened crocodile hidden in a flower bed. It could
 have happened to anyone." -- Pratchett
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