CPAN - resolving permissions conflict with Net-ICal

2020-09-13 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Eric, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m resolving situations where there’s a clash between permissions affecting two or more distributions. In the past PAUSE treated "Types" and "types" as two different distributions. You used "Types" in your Net-ICal distribution, and that now clashes with

Re: CPAN - resolving partial ownership of your Deliantra-Client distribution

2020-09-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Marc, > I accept your generous offer - I only released those modules as a > temporary workaround. The only reason I didn't delete them yet is because > I didn't track which ones have been superseded, so deleting conflicting > ones is the right thing here. Thanks — I’ve just scheduled the deleti

CPAN - missing permissions and old releases being indexed

2020-09-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Ishigaki-san, Your Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite distribution has an old release appearing in the index (0.50), because that was the last release that included package author::Util. There are no permissions on that package though, which is why my permissions integrity scanner is complaini

Re: Adoption of MIME::Base64

2020-09-15 Thread Neil Bowers
Thanks Sawyer, Leon, Tux, and Karl. I’ve just transferred first-come permissions on MIME-Base64 to P5P, and given Chase (CAPOEIRAB) co-maint. Neil

CPAN - resolving permissions clashes between distributions

2020-09-15 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dobrica, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through situations where ownership of modules in a distribution is split between two or more people, and where there are permissions clashes. In early releases of the Fuse distribution — between 0.06 and 0.14 — the module test::helper was in

CPAN - inconsistent ownership of MooX-LvalueAttribute

2020-09-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Damien, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m looking at CPAN distributions which have split ownership, and trying to resolve them, as PAUSE now tries to ensure that distributions keep consistent ownership, regardless of who adds modules to them. The MooX-LvalueAttribute distribution has two modu

Re: CPAN - inconsistent ownership of MooX-LvalueAttribute

2020-09-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi dams, > yes please go ahead and transfer my first-come to MARCC. Thanks — I’ve just transferred your first-come on Method::Generate::Accessor::Role::LvalueAttribute to MARCC. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - resolving permissions clashes for CGI-XMLApplication

2020-09-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Christian, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m resolving situations where there’s a clash between permissions affecting two or more distributions. Your CGI-XMLApplication distribution is one of these. In previous releases you included modules "example1" and "minimalapp". These clashed with som

CPAN - resolving conflicting permissions

2020-09-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Audrey, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through situations where distributions have split ownership, and/or have permissions conflict with other distributions. Your i18n distribution is one of these, caused by earlier release(s) from AUTRIJUS that contained i18n::var and i18n::strin

CPAN - resolving indexing conflicts and permissions issues, with MP3-Info

2020-09-18 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chris, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where there is split ownership of a distribution, and along the way also tidying up situations where old releases of distributions are appearing in the CPAN Index. The MP3-Info distribution is one of these. It used to co

CPAN - resolving missing permissions on Mojolicious-Plugin-InputValidation

2020-09-18 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tobias, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through distributions that have missing or split permissions. Your Mojolicious-Plugin-InputValidation is one of these. You’ve done all releases, but you don’t have indexing permissions on some of the packages. I suspect this is related to a c

CPAN - resolving missing indexing permission on Net-Nessus

2020-09-18 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tiago, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through distributions that have missing or split permissions. Your Net-Nessus is one of these. You did a release in 2004, presumably after user JWIED gave you permission. It looks like he missed one module. To resolve this, I’m about to force

Re: CPAN - resolving missing permissions on Mojolicious-Plugin-InputValidation

2020-09-18 Thread Neil Bowers
Aha. I should have looked at your Makefile.PL — you have no_index on most of the IV_* packages in your dist, but the list doesn’t include IV_BOOL. I’m guessing that’s because you added IV_BOOL in the 0.09 release. Do you want to add IV_BOOL to the no_index list? Those other packages are still a

Your link_NCBI distribution on CPAN

2020-09-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chritresh, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m looking at distributions on CPAN that have permissions anomalies, or have other issues related to not adhering to CPAN conventions. In 2007 you released your link_NCBI distribution, which has a collection of modules and scripts, used at NCBI. One

CPAN — resolving split ownership of Interpolation distribution

2020-09-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Aristotle, I’m writing this wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m working through CPAN distributions where two or more people have indexing permissions, and related issues. The Interpolation distribution is one of these. You have first-come on the Interpolation module itself, but JENDA has first-

CPAN - clash between your two MARC/XML distributions

2020-09-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Galen, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I working through situations where there are permissions oddities with CPAN distributions, or conflicts between two or more distributions. This affects your MARC/XML releases. It looks like this is what happened in the past: • User BBIRTH first released

CPAN — split ownership of Net-FTPServer distribution

2020-09-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Torsten, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where CPAN distributions have ownership split between two or more people, or missing indexing permissions, and various related issues. Net-FTPServer is one such curious case. Three different people released it over th

Re: CPAN - resolving permissions on the XPlanner distribution

2020-09-20 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Michael, I’m going to reindex your XPlanner distribution, which will give you permissions on the packages that are missing any. And I’ll add HANDOFF to those as well, so that everything’s at least consistent. And if you want me to just set them all as ADOPTME, let me know, and I’ll do that

Re: CPAN — resolving split ownership of Interpolation distribution

2020-09-20 Thread Neil Bowers
> I’ve given JENDA first-come and dropped my permissions. One less critter > hanging around in my rescue shelter. Heh. Thanks for that. > It was essentially case (a), from when MJD gave up his first-come on > everything he owned. Ah. I saw the one MJD co-maint and wondered how that fit into the

CPAN - resolving split and missing permissions on CPAN distributions

2020-09-20 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jochen, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m sorting out situations where CPAN distributions have split ownership, or missing permissions. There are a number of these situations involving your account. The quick version of this email: if you are no longer maintaining your CPAN distributions, yo

CPAN — split ownership of Perl-Critic-Policy-CompileTime distribution

2020-09-20 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Xan, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m looking into situations where a CPAN distribution has split ownership. Perl-Critic-Policy-CompileTime is one of these: you (XAN) have the first-come indexing permission on the lead module, Perl::Critic::Policy::CompileTime, but Mark (MJGARDNER, copied o

Re: CPAN — split ownership of Perl-Critic-Policy-CompileTime distribution

2020-09-20 Thread Neil Bowers
I’ve heard back from Xan, and as a result have transferred the first-come permissions back to Xan. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - resolving missing first-come on XML::LibXML

2020-09-20 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Shlomi, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m working through distributions that had two or more people with first-come permissions, or where there are modules with no first-come. The XML-LibXML is one of these. All modules have PERIGRIN with first-come, apart from the lead modul

Re: CPAN - clash between your two MARC/XML distributions

2020-09-20 Thread Neil Bowers
> I'm fine with removing the ancient copy associated with me. > > -bill (BBIRTH) Thanks Bill — I’ve just scheduled the deletion, which will happen in 72 hours. Cheers, Neil

Re: CPAN - clash between your two MARC/XML distributions

2020-09-20 Thread Neil Bowers
> I'm fine with you removing the copies associated with me too. Thanks Ed — I’ve just scheduled the deletion, which will happen in 72 hours. Cheers, Neil

Re: Could you give Sympa community co-maintainership of MHonArc, please?

2020-09-21 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Luc, I’ve just realised that I’ve been caught out by a PAUSE restriction, which is why your releases of MHonArc aren’t being indexed. PAUSE now requires you to have an indexing permission on the package name that corresponds to the distribution name. So for the distribution MHonArc, it requ

CPAN - resolving split indexing permissions on XML-SRS

2020-09-21 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sam, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving the cases where a distribution has two or more people with the first-come indexing permission on modules in the distribution. XML-SRS is one of these distributions. There are several people with first-come, and a number of modules w

Re: CPAN — split ownership of Net-FTPServer distribution

2020-09-22 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Torsten, Thanks for getting back to me. Okamoto-san: do you want to retain first-come permissions, or shall I transfer to GETTY? Thanks, Neil

CPAN - resolving permissions confusions between distributions

2020-09-22 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Aaron, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where there’s a clash between permissions on distributions, or where two different releases in the past have entries in the CPAN Index that now clash. Your Class-Indexed distribution was released in 2004, and included a

Re: CPAN - resolving split and missing permissions on CPAN distributions

2020-09-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jochen, Thanks for the updates on the distributions. Given they’re all no longer being maintained, I’ll mark them as available for adoption. To do that, I’ll reindex a number of your releases, and delete some old releases, so there’s no clash in the index. You’ll get some emails from PAUSE

Re: CPAN - resolving split and missing permissions on CPAN distributions

2020-09-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jochen, Three of your distributions are now marked as available for adoption, and have consistent ownership. Msql-Mysql-modules is a different matter, as there’s some conflict on package names and permissions with DBD-mysql. I’ll deal with that separately, as I suspect it’s not going to be

Re: CPAN - resolving PAUSE permissions clashes

2020-09-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sam, I’m going to schedule the deletion of your old releases of HTML-Template. This will resolve the conflict caused by HTML::Template::DEFAULT still being listed in the CPAN Index against an old release of  HTML-Template. You’ll get a confirmation email from PAUSE, letting you know this is

Re: CPAN - tidying up permissions and indexing of JSON-RPC

2020-09-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Hannyaharamitu-san, I am going to schedule the deletion of old releases of JSON-RPC from your author directory. You will get an email confirming this from PAUSE, and be given 72 hours to reverse this. Once the old releases have gone, the old modules will be dropped from the CPAN Index, and

CPAN - resolving permissions issues with WebNano

2020-09-26 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Zbigniew, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m trying to resolve situations where CPAN distributions have split ownership, or where some modules have no ownership, or are in conflict with another distribution. Your WebNano distribution is one of these. The latest release is fine, but there are

CPAN - resolving permissions confusion related to Tk-DKW distribution

2020-09-27 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Damion, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m trying to resolve situations where CPAN distributions have split ownership, or where some modules have no ownership, or are in conflict with another distribution. Your Tk-DKW distribution is one of these. Earlier releases of Tk-DKW contained module T

Re: CPAN - resolving permissions confusion related to Tk-DKW distribution

2020-09-28 Thread Neil Bowers
> Yep, that sounds like the right thing to do here. The 0.03 release is the > "officially" supported version anyway and it's probably best not to have the > older releases around at this stage. Thanks Damion — I’ve just scheduled deletion of the two earlier releases; they’ll be deleted in 3 day

Re: PAUSE permissions conflict between "Types" and "types" modules [EBUSBOOM: Types]

2020-09-28 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Eric, I have scheduled the deletion of your old releases of Net-ICal. Once they’ve gone, this will resolve the permissions clash, described in a previous email. Cheers, Neil On 20 Sep 2016, 22:04 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote: > Hi Eric, > > > I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE ad

Dropping co-maint permissions?

2020-09-28 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Mark, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. On slack at the weekend, you said that you’d like to stop getting emails about bugs that are reported in CPAN distributions that you’re no longer maintaining. You’re getting these emails because even though you’ve handed over the first-come permission, you

Re: CPAN - resolving permissions clashes between distributions

2020-09-28 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dobrica, I’m about to schedule the deletion of the old releases of Fuse from your author directory. You’ll get a confirmation from PAUSE, and the files will be deleted in 3 days (72 hours). Once they’re gone, this should resolve the permissions clash. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - resolving permissions on Tcl-Tk

2020-09-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Vadim, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up situations where modules in a distribution have either missing permissions or permissions shared between two or more people. The Tcl-Tk distribution is one of these. Your Tcl-Tk has four different releases listed in the CPAN Index. This is

Re: Dropping co-maint permissions?

2020-09-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Mark, > Please drop co-maint on all these distributions. I’ve just dropped all of those co-maints. > Maybe mark them as ADOPTME or something. Some of them already have ADOPTME with first-come. Quite a few have ARISTOTLE with first-come, so we can’t replace him with ADOPTME. I’ll give him a n

MJD’s modules that you have first-come on

2020-09-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Aristotle, You have first-come on a number of MJD’s distributions. He has just asked for all of his co-maints to be dropped, as he doesn’t want to get bug reports, or to be contacted about them. The following distributions have the latest release on CPAN from MJD, but you have first-come •

Re: CPAN - your Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot distributions

2020-09-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Nathan, Would you be happy for me to do a 0.02 release of your Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot module, so resolve the issue previously outlined? Cheers, Neil On 5 Aug 2020, 15:57 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote: > Hi Nathan, > > I’m one of the PAUSE admins. PAUSE is the system used

Re: File::Listing

2020-09-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Graham, > If nobody else has spoken up for it, I'd be interested in taking over > maintenance of File::Listing (From reading Neil's posting on I > understand that it is available for adoption).  My main interest is because > it is used by my own Alien-Build, though I realize it

Re: CPAN - tidying up permissions and Index entries for Tangram (JLLEROY, SAMV)

2020-09-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sam & Jean-Loius, Thanks to both of you for getting back to me. I’ll schedule the deletion of the old releases, which will remove old modules from the CPAN Index. If you look at the MetaCPAN page for Sam’s latest release (, you’ll see that a number of th

CPAN - resolving mixed permissions on the Tcl-pTk distribution

2020-09-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi John, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through CPAN distributions that have mixed ownership, which can be for a number of reasons. The Tcl-pTk is one of these. This was caused by the module MainWindow being dropped from the distribution, and the first-come permission being transferre

RE: CPAN - resolving mixed permissions on the Tcl-pTk distribution

2020-09-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi John, > I’m confused about why the Tangram-2.10 release would be in my directory. I > am not the author of that package. Sorry, that was a cut & paste error — I’ve been working through a lot of cases like this. > If the old releases of Tcl-pTk get deleted from my directory, does that mean >

Re: CPAN - resolving permissions on the XPlanner distribution

2020-09-30 Thread Neil Bowers
> Thanks for looking into it. Switch them to HANDOFF please. Done!

Re: CPAN - tidying up permissions and Index entries for Tangram (JLLEROY, SAMV)

2020-09-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sam, I see from the reindexing of your most recent release of Tangram that there are two packages used where someone else has the indexing permission, related to an entirely different CPAN distribution. The first of these is "Person", which is part of the Tangram::Springfield examples. Ther

Adoption request for Digest::MD5

2020-09-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sawyer & p5p, Todd Rinaldo has asked to adopt Gisle Aas’s Digest::MD5 module. This is a core module, and is also far up the CPAN River — it has nearly 13k dependent CPAN distributions. Todd already maintains a number of high-on-the-river distributions, so I don’t see a problem with this, bu

Re: MJD’s modules that you have first-come on

2020-09-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Aristotle, > Of these, only Memoize has had any traffic as visible to me, though > admittedly I have no visibility into MJD’s mail. I’ll assume that that > one should take priority. Yeah, that makes sense. >  I’ll wager that the least documented ones are by > dint of that fact also the least l

RE: RE: CPAN - resolving mixed permissions on the Tcl-pTk distribution

2020-10-01 Thread Neil Bowers
> Ok. I am good with you deleting old releases out of my user directory. Thanks John — I’ll do that now. You’ll get an email from PAUSE confirming this, and letting you know that the files will actually be deleted in 3 days. Cheers, Neil

Re: Could you give Sympa community co-maintainership of MHonArc, please?

2020-10-01 Thread Neil Bowers
21 Sep 2020, 08:59 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote: > Hi Luc, > > I’ve just realised that I’ve been caught out by a PAUSE restriction, which is > why your releases of MHonArc aren’t being indexed. > > PAUSE now requires you to have an indexing permission on the package name > th

Re: CPAN - shared ownership of Catalyst distributions

2020-10-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Matt, I’ve just rationalised the first-comes on the Catalyst related distributions that I flagged: > For Catalyst-Controller-WrapCGI, you have first-come on the lead module and > one other module, and RKITOVER has first-come on one module. RKITOVER has > done all releases, so makes sense fo

CPAN - resolving split ownership & missing ownership of indexed distributions

2020-10-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Alexander, Andrew, Daniel, David, Marcus, Matt, and Simon, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through situations where CPAN distributions are appearing in the index, but have either split ownership of packages in the distribution, or missing ownership. You have all done at least one re

CPAN - resolving permissions problem with Test-Module-Used

2020-10-02 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tsichida-san, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on clearing up situations where a CPAN distribution has split ownership, and/or where modules from a distribution appear in the CPAN Index, but don’t have any indexing permissions. Your Test-Module-Used distribution is one of these. In

Re: Adoption request for Digest::MD5

2020-10-03 Thread Neil Bowers
I have just transferred first-come on Digest::MD5 to P5P, and given TODDR co-maint. Neil

CPAN - CPAN permissions issue for TermReadKey

2020-10-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kenneth, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through historical cases where a distribution has indexing permissions split across two or more people, or where some of the modules in a distribution appear in the index, but no-one has an indexing permission. The TermReadKey is one of these

CPAN - permissions conflict with Test-Legal

2020-10-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Ioannis, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through historical cases where a distribution has indexing permissions split across two or more people, or where some of the modules in a distribution appear in the index, but no-one has an indexing permission. The Test-Legal distribution is

Re: CPAN - CPAN permissions issue for TermReadKey

2020-10-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Kenneth’s CPAN address bounces. I tracked him down, and had a reply from him: he’s happy for the files to be deleted, and for his CPAN email address to continue bouncing. Neil

Re: CPAN - resolving indexing conflicts and permissions issues, with MP3-Info

2020-10-04 Thread Neil Bowers
installed when someone runs "cpan MP3::Info", as JMERELO has the most recent release. Cheers, Neil On 18 Sep 2020, 22:36 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote: > Hi Chris, > > I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where there > is split ownership of a distribut

CPAN - making the permissions on BikePower consistent

2020-10-04 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Slaven, I know you were thinking about doing a release of BikePower to drop Tie::Lang and resolve the indexing permissions problem, but as a holding position, I’m going to drop your co-maint on Tie-Lang and reindex your release from 1999 (!), so you’ll get first-come back and the distributio

Re: CPAN - resolving missing first-come on XML::LibXML

2020-10-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Shlomi, Thanks for the nudge. I’ve dropped HANDOFF from XML-LibXML. Cheers, Neil

Re: CPAN - resolving indexing conflicts and permissions issues, with MP3-Info

2020-10-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chris, > Neil, I’m sorry I neglected to get back to you; I was thinking about it, and > then I forgot to come back to it. Absolutely no worries — we’ve all got more stuff than usual on our minds. Heck, I’m not even American and I’m distracted by your news! > As long as it is still in BackPAN

Re: CPAN - resolving split ownership & missing ownership of indexed distributions

2020-10-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Alex, > I've just scheduled my two DBIx-Class releases on PAUSE for deletion. Thank you! One thing I forgot to point out: Peter (RIBASUSHI) has the most recent releases of DBIx-Class on CPAN. And should anyone want to install an older release, you can install from BackPAN using cpanm. Thank

Adoption request for dual-life module Digest

2020-10-06 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sawyer & p5p, Todd Rinaldo has asked to adopt Gisle Aas’s Digest::MD5 module: This is a dual-life module, and is also far up the CPAN River — it has more than 13k dependent CPAN distributions. If everyone’s happy with this, I’ll transfer the first-come to P5P

Re: HTML-CalendarMonthSimple-1.26

2020-10-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Michael, > [Please can I have co-maint on HTML::CalendarMonthSimple so my release can be > indexed] I’m one of the PAUSE admins. Please give me a little while to try and contact Gregor. Hopefully he’ll reply, but if he doesn’t, then I’ll give you co-maint and re-index your release. Cheers,

PAUSE - lost first-come on Plack::Test::Agent

2020-10-08 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Olaf, Your release of Plack-Test-Agent was hit by the PAUSE bug that drops first-come permissions in some situations[*]. As you can see from the notes on the github issue, I think I’ve worked out what the bug is, so when I put DROLSKY’s first-come back, I’ll make sure he gets co-maint first.

Re: PAUSE - lost first-come on Plack::Test::Agent

2020-10-08 Thread Neil Bowers
Permissions on Plack::Test::Agent are back as previously. I forgot to add the link to the PAUSE bug: Olaf, I noticed in your comment on that bug that you seemed to think that you lost a co-maint during a release — is that right, or might you have had a

Re: PAUSE - lost first-come on Plack::Test::Agent

2020-10-08 Thread Neil Bowers
> > Olaf, I noticed in your comment on that bug that you seemed to think that > > you lost a co-maint during a release — is that right, or might you have had > > a first-come on a module, and that’s what got lost? > > That’s correct. I lost co-maint on WWW::YouTube::Download, but the maintainer

Re: CPAN - resolving permissions on Tcl-Tk

2020-10-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Vadrer, > yes, scheduling old releases for deletion is okay! Great — thank you. I’ll do that now: you’ll get a confirmation email from PAUSE. Cheers, Neil

Re: Adoption request for dual-life module Digest

2020-10-12 Thread Neil Bowers
I’ve transferred first-come on the Digest distribution to P5P, and have given TODDR co-maint. GAAS also retains co-maint. The Digest distribution contains packages Digest, Digest::base, and Digest::file. Neil

CPAN - conflict between Finance-Quant and Chart distributions

2020-10-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Hagen, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where distributions have split ownership, or where there is conflict between packages in two or more CPAN distributions. Your Finance-Quant distribution[1] is one of these. The problem is the "chart" package in Finance:

Re: CPAN - resolving permissions problem with Test-Module-Used

2020-10-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tsichida-san, Are you happy for me to schedule deletion of the old releases of your Test-Module-Used distribution? The latest release would remain in your author directory on PAUSE, and would still be in the CPAN Index. All of your releases to CPAN are always available on BackPAN, in your a

CPAN - Tie::Watch appears in Tk and Tie-Watch distributions

2020-10-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Stephen & Slaven, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where CPAN distributions have split ownership, and where there is conflict between two distributions. The Tie::Watch module is one of these: LUSOL has first-come on Tie::Watch, but it appears in two different

CPAN - ownership conflict with "examples" distribution

2020-10-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sriram, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations on CPAN where a distribution has split ownership, and/or has conflict with other distributions. The "examples" package you released in 1997 is one of these. The examples distribution has a number of packages, some of wh

Given co-maint on Graph to ETJ

2020-10-15 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Ed, Jarkko said he’s happy for you to have co-maint on Graph, so I just gave you co-maint on Graph and the other modules in the Graph distribution. Neil

Re: CPAN - Tie::Watch appears in Tk and Tie-Watch distributions

2020-10-15 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Slaven, Normally I’d suggest making Tk depend on Tie-Watch, but if your desire to keep Tk low dependency is strong enough, and also given that you’ve indexing permissions on both Tk and Tie-Watch, and that Tie-Watch hasn’t had a release in the last 10 years, it sounds to me like the best tra

Re: Fwd: Failed: PAUSE indexer report PRBRENAN/Preprocess-Ops-20201007.tar.gz

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Philip, > I inadvertently used an excessively high 9 digit version number a release ago > for module : Preprocess::Ops . I wish to return to my standard 8 digit > version numbering scheme.  I have deleted the files associated with the 9 > digit version number.  Might it be possible for you to

Re: HTML-CalendarMonthSimple-1.26

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Michael, I failed to track down Gregor, so have given you co-maint on HTML::CalendarMonthSimple and have just triggered a re-indexing of your release. Cheers, Neil

Problems with App-SimpleBackuper upload

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dmitrii, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I see that you’re having problems with getting recent uploads of App-SimpleBackuper indexed. This is because you switched the format of your version numbers, sadly. You previously released 0.1 and most recently released 0.2.3. The trouble is that PAUSE

Re: Could you give Sympa community co-maintainership of MHonArc, please?

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Luc, > I have conflict when posting the package to PAUSE: > $ cpan-upload MHonArc-2.6.20.tar.gz > registering upload with PAUSE web server > POSTing upload for MHonArc-2.6.20.tar.gz to > > request failed with error code 409 > Message: Conflict > > I alre

scheduling deletion of link_NCBI

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
I’ve been having email with Chitresh Sharma (CHI) about his link_NCBI distribution, which he released in 2007. It has a bunch of top-level package names, one of which is owned by ADAMK, though that clashes elsewhere as well. Chitresh has decided to delete this version, and at some later date wil

Re: Adopting Net-Blogger (Fwd: Work on Net::Blogger)

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, I have added PERLANCAR as co-maint on the Net-Blogger distribution. Cheers, Neil On 17 Oct 2020, 20:15 +0100, Perl Ancar , wrote: > Dear PAUSE admins, > > I have obtained permission from CLACO to adopt Net-Blogger. Please add me to > the maintainers list. Thanks. Regards > > > -- For

Re: Fw: Failed: PAUSE indexer report SHLOMIF/Object-Declare-0.25.tar.gz

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Shlomi, The error was a database timeout, as the details of the email said. When this happens, the first thing to do is check whether your release got indexed anyway, for example by either checking the index directly, or easier is to go and see what version is listed on MetaCPAN as the lates

Re: Adopt Time::ParseDate?

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi David, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. If you’re happy for Les to adopt Time::ParseDate (i.e. he would get the first-come indexing permission), then let me know and I can do the permissions transfer for you. If we go this route, would you like to keep co-maint (which would mean you’d be copied

Re: Request for a PAUSE account

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Anuraj, > I apologize for asking such a silly question however, do you know what would > be the best way to approach authors and making submissions or adopting an > existing module ? Would any books or articles help ease me into this ? Here are two sources of information: • The Pause Operati

Adopting modules

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Anuraj, Another place you could look, is this list of CPAN distributions that are candidates for adoption: The flag column indicates whether the module has been explicitly flagged as available for adoption. Click on the flag in the header to sort on that colum

Re: Adopt Plack::Handler::Stomp?

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, I’ve just transferred first-come to WDH on: • Net-Stomp-MooseHelpers • Net-Stomp-Producer • Plack-Handler-Stomp Cheers, Neil

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer report SHLOMIF/Object-Declare-0.25.tar.gz

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Shlomi, > I did that now, thanks. However, the email told me to contact the admins and > report it there. Should the errors and recommendations be rephrased? They should! I opened a ticket to that effect in June: I’ll put this on my todo list to hav

Re: Given co-maint on Graph to ETJ

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
> Any word on the repo situation? One option would be to give me (mohawk2) > collaborator status on yours, then I can bring it up to date with the CPAN > release, and go from there? Added you to my repo.

Re: NOT Time::ParseDate - but Actually Time::JulianDay

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Les, As David pointed out, the Time-ParseDate distribution includes a number of packages, including the Time::JulianDay that you’re interested in. If you look here at the distribution page on MetaCPAN, you’ll see the list of packages: Do y

Re: NOT Time::ParseDate - but Actually Time::JulianDay

2020-10-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Les, > Yes, that will be fine.  I'm willing to help out with all of those modules. > > I'm worried that I'm not smart enough, but I've been using Perl since 2000 > and Linux, Apache, msql, mysql since 1995 so I do > have 'history'! (grin) One final thing to consider, and then if you’re still k

Re: CPAN - resolving permissions problem with Test-Module-Used

2020-10-21 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tsuchida-san, Thank you for scheduling the deletion of old releases — much appreciated. Neil

Re: Adopting WebService-Blogger

2020-10-21 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Steven, I’ve just transferred first-come on WebService-Blogger to you. Cheers, Neil

Re: NOT Time::ParseDate - but Actually Time::JulianDay

2020-10-21 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi all, I’ve just transferred first-come on Time-ParseDate to Les, with David retaining co-maint. Cheers, Neil

First-come indexing permission lost on XML::LibXML::Iterator

2020-10-22 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Shlomi, I’ve noticed that PAJAS’s first-come on XML::LibXML::Iterator has been dropped, as a result of your recent release of XML-LibXML-Iterator. This is down to a known bug in PAUSE[1]. There’s a fix for this in review, but in the meantime I’ll manually resolve this. I’ll do this by droppi

PAUSE dropped the first-come permission on Module::CoreList

2020-10-22 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chris, I’ve noticed that P5P's first-come on Module::CoreList has been dropped, as a result of your recent release of Module-CoreList. This is down to a known bug in PAUSE[1]. There’s a fix for this in review, but in the meantime I’ll manually resolve this. I’ll do this by dropping all perms

Deleting SRIRAM’s examples.tar.gz

2020-10-23 Thread Neil Bowers
I’ve been trying to get in touch with SRIRAM, who has a tarball examples.tar.gz in his author directory, released 23 years ago. It has missing permissions on most packages, and clashes with two other distributions. I finally contacted him via LinkedIn, and explained the problem. I suggested th

Re: CPAN - your Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot distributions

2020-10-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Nathan, I emailed you last month, and in April, about your Perl module Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot. I’m a PAUSE admin, and I’m working to resolve situations where CPAN distributions clash with other distributions, or have split or missing indexing permissions. Would you be happy for m

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