Hi Luc,

You now have co-maint on the MHonArc package, which is what was stopping your 
releases from being indexed. Sorry for missing that. I’ve logged a bug against 
PAUSE for its missing of this (passing the buck :-)

I added this perm to DVERDIN, HORNBURG, and NEZUMI as well.

On 21 Sep 2020, 08:59 +0100, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com>, wrote:
> Hi Luc,
> I’ve just realised that I’ve been caught out by a PAUSE restriction, which is 
> why your releases of MHonArc aren’t being indexed.
> PAUSE now requires you to have an indexing permission on the package name 
> that corresponds to the distribution name. So for the distribution MHonArc, 
> it requires you to have co-maint on package MHonArc.
> But the MHonArc distribution doesn’t include a MHonArc module, which is why 
> you weren’t given co-maint on that package, and as a result your releases 
> aren’t being indexed.
> This needs some behind-the-scenes adjusting. I’ll let you know when that’s 
> happened, and I’ll trigger a re-indexing of your latest release.
> Apologies for the confusion & inconvenience.
> Cheers,
> Neil

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