Hi Torsten,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where CPAN 
distributions have ownership split between two or more people, or missing 
indexing permissions, and various related issues.

Net-FTPServer is one such curious case. Three different people released it over 
the years, most recently user RYOCHIN, who did three releases in 2012. These 
are the most recent releases.

RYOCHIN has first-come on the lead module Net::FTPServer, but on all of the 
other modules, you (GETTY) have the first-come permission and RYOCHIN doesn’t 
even have co-maint.

My best guess is that you planned to take over Net-FTPServer, and RYOCHIN meant 
to transfer all permissions to you, but one got missed. Or maybe it was BRONG 
or RWMJ, the other two who have co-maint? And you never got round to doing any 

There are at least two ways to resolve this:

1. If you don’t plan on doing any release, I could transfer your first-comes to 
RYOCHIN and re-index his last release (to clear up all the "UNAUTHORIZED" red 
text on MetaCPAN). If neither you nor RYOCHIN plan to do a (further) release, 
but at least leaves everything in a better state.
2. I could transfer RYOCHIN’s first-come to you, give him co-maint on all 
modules, and still re-index his last release. Then you’re good to do a release, 
and everything’s tidied up in the meantime.

I’ve copied Okamoto-san (RYOCHIN) on this, in case my guess at history is 
entirely wrong.

Are you both happy for me to progress as per step 1?


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