Hi Alexander, Andrew, Daniel, David, Marcus, Matt, and Simon,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through situations where CPAN 
distributions are appearing in the index, but have either split ownership of 
packages in the distribution, or missing ownership.

You have all done at least one release of DBIx-Class in the past, and still 
have one or more of those old releases in your author directory on PAUSE. And 
you all have at least one module that’s listed in the index against your old 
release, because the module was subsequently dropped from the distribution. The 
indexing permissions have been dropped on those packages, which is why they’re 
now being flagged as orphans / zombies.

Would you be happy to schedule deletion of your old releases from your author 
directory please? This will resolve the permissions issue, but also remove the 
theoretical potential for someone to install the wrong version. Some of these 
releases are 15 years old! And remember: all releases ever made to CPAN are 
always available via BackPAN.

I can schedule the deletions for you, if that’s easiest — just let me know. If 
I do that, you’ll get a confirmation email from PAUSE.


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