Hi Ioannis,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through historical cases where a 
distribution has indexing permissions split across two or more people, or where 
some of the modules in a distribution appear in the index, but no-one has an 
indexing permission. The Test-Legal distribution is one of these.

Very early releases from you included the module Config::Format::Ini::Grammar, 
which was removed in 0.03. But the old releases are still in your author 
directory on CPAN, so Config::Format::Ini::Grammar is listed in the index, 
against the 0.02 release.

It looks like you subsequently transferred first-come to Alan Young (AYOUNG), 
though he’s not done any releases. As a result there are two modules in the 
index with AYOUNG first-come, and one against you.

The easiest way to resolve this is to delete the old releases from your PAUSE 
directory, which will remove Config::Format::Ini::Grammar from the index. You 
could do this via the PAUSE interface, or I can do it for you. All historical 
releases are always available on BackPAN, so this doesn’t fully remove your 
releases from the historical record, it just cleans up the live index.

Are you happy for me to do this?


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