Hi David,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins.

If you’re happy for Les to adopt Time::ParseDate (i.e. he would get the 
first-come indexing permission), then let me know and I can do the permissions 
transfer for you. If we go this route, would you like to keep co-maint (which 
would mean you’d be copied in on bugs from RT, for example0?

Or I could give him co-maint on your behalf, if you prefer to keep the 
On 17 Oct 2020, 20:15 +0100, Les Richardson <openad...@gmail.com>, wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm interested in adopting the Time::ParseDate module. If you can grant me 
> the privilege I will release the next version.
> I'm willing to fix bugs, etc. but not necessarily add any new features.
> OK?
> Thanks,
> Les Richardson
> Open Administration for Schools

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