Hi Dmitrii,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins.

I see that you’re having problems with getting recent uploads of 
App-SimpleBackuper indexed. This is because you switched the format of your 
version numbers, sadly.

You previously released 0.1 and most recently released 0.2.3. The trouble is 
that PAUSE thinks 0.1 is a higher version number than 0.2.3. You may think 
that’s bonkers (помешанные?), and to be honest I agree with you, but we have to 
live with the way things are.

In a nutshell, it’s because when comparing semantic versioning style version 
numbers with decimal version numbers, the minor (2) and patch (3) are 
left-padded with zeroes, so that 0.2.3 becomes 0.002003, and that’s effectively 
what’s compared with 0.1, so 0.1 is higher.

If you google "perl version", you’ll find several blog posts explaining this, 
eg [1]

If you want to stick semantic versioning version numbers, it is possible to get 
PAUSE to forget your old version number, with the "Reset Version" feature, 
listed in the left sidebar on PAUSE, in the "Utils" section. Once you’ve done 
that, schedule the deletion of the old release, and once your new release is in 
the CPAN Index, you’ll need to ask the MetaCPAN team to index your most recent 
release, or wait for the 0.1 release to be deleted.

Personally, I use N.NN for all my module version numbers, as I’ve never done 
close to 99 releases of any distribution. But if I adopt a module with a 
different scheme, then I stick with that scheme, as changing schemes can cause 
problems, as you’ve discovered :-(


[1] https://xdg.me/blog/version-numbers-should-be-boring/

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