Hi Vadim,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up situations where modules in a 
distribution have either missing permissions or permissions shared between two 
or more people. The Tcl-Tk distribution is one of these.

Your Tcl-Tk has four different releases listed in the CPAN Index. This is 
because you’ve either dropped modules from the distribution, or renamed them. 
Because the old releases are still in your author directory on PAUSE, the 
dropped module names are listed in the index against the last release that 
includes them. One of these modules has no indexing permissions, which is why 
my analysis script is flagging Tcl-Tk.

If we delete the old releases from your author directory, that will resolve the 
problem. I can do that for you, if you’d like?

Also, I noticed that Malcolm Beattie still had the first-come permission on all 
modules, and you have co-maint. You’ve done all releases since 2004, and I’ve 
previously tried to contact Malcolm about transferring permissions, with no 
luck. So I’ve just transferred the first-come permissions to you.

Are you happy for me to schedule the deletion of the old releases of Tcl-Tk, or 
will you do it?


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