Hi Aristotle,

I’m writing this wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m working through CPAN 
distributions where two or more people have indexing permissions, and related 

The Interpolation distribution is one of these. You have first-come on the 
Interpolation module itself, but JENDA has first-come on the rest. JENDA has 
done most releases, between 0.67 in 2002 and 0.74 in 2009.

But then you also did a 0.74 release in 2018, which you subsequently deleted (I 
can see it on BackPAN). I’m wondering whether, (a) there were no perms on 
Interpolation when you did your release, and you got first-come that way, or, 
as seems more likely (b) you asked to take it over, and the first-come on 
Interpolation was transferred to you, but not on the other modules. And you 
never got round to doing a 0.75 release.

If the former, I’ll transfer your first-come to JENDA (or you could), so that 
Jan has the full set. If the latter, I’ll transfer the other first-comes to you.

Or was it a third scenario that I’ve not thought of? :-)


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