Hi Anuraj, > I apologize for asking such a silly question however, do you know what would > be the best way to approach authors and making submissions or adopting an > existing module ? Would any books or articles help ease me into this ?
Here are two sources of information: • The Pause Operating Model is a document that describes how PAUSE works, and various processes related to modules and authors. It’s worth reading all of it, but there’s a specific section on how to get co-maint or adopt a module: https://github.com/andk/pause/blob/master/doc/operating-model.md#4-dealing-with-pause-indexing-issues • Some years back I wrote a number of blog posts about adopting modules: http://neilb.org/tag/adoption/. One post in particular covers how to go about adopting a module if the author isn’t responsive: http://neilb.org/2013/07/24/adopt-a-module.html In general the best way is to initially email the author, using the email address given for them on their author’s page at MetaCPAN. If there’s a bug you’ve fixed, or would like to help fix, talk to them about it, and ask if you can help with fixing it. If you don’t have any experience releasing modules to CPAN, then you could look through the modules that have been marked as available for adoption, and pick something simple that’s not depended on by other CPAN distributions. Here’s one way to find adoptable distributions: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/ByMaintainer.html?Name=ADOPTME Get a bit of experience with that distribution, before going for something bigger / more serious. Please ask if you’ve any more questions. Cheers, Neil