Hi Oleg,
I’ve been in touch with Seyhan, who had the first-come indexing permission on
the Date namespace. He was happy for the first-come permission to be
transferred to you, so I’ve just done that on Seyhan’s behalf.
Please remember that there may be people using your Panda::Date module, who
Hi Seyhan,
I’ve just scheduled the deletion of your older release of the HTML-STable
distribution, as that was the release that had the Date module.
Thank you for your understanding and support on these changes.
Hi Pavel,
I’ve been in touch with Paul, and he’s happy for you to have co-maint, so I’ve
just given that to you on Paul’s behalf.
That’s for taking the module forward Pavel, and thanks to Paul for giving his
Hi Pavel,
> It's great news! I'm ready to make a little update today.
Excellent. I look forwarding to seeing all those bugs closed! ;-)
Hi Scott,
> Therefore, I respectfully request consideration for adding my PAUSE id
> (MRSCOTTY) as co-maintainer or owner of the Crypt::X509 module.
I’ve tried a couple of avenues to track down Mike, who has first-come on
Crypt::X509. Give me a little while to try this, but if he can’t be found
We (the PAUSE admins) seem to have been copied into the middle of a thread, but
not all of the thread was included.
It looks like Jason Cooper (JLCOOPER) would like co-maint on DBD::Mock, but
maybe you haven’t been able to contact Mariano Wahlmann (DICHI), who has
first-come on that package?
Hi all,
I have just transferred first-come permissions on DBD::Mock (and the other
packages in the DBD-Mock distribution) to JLCOOPER.
Thanks to Jason for fighting the bitrot, and everyone else for helping to get
this resolved.
Hi Jerrad,
> Over the past year I have tried to reach out to the author of Term::Pager.
> I furnished several patches with RT tickets
> https://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Name=Term-Pager
> and sent the author email directly, which have been ignored. Today I filed
> a ticket on the moribund gith
Hi Scott,
I’ve tried to track down Mike Jackson, but with no success.
Given that Alexander (AJUNG, copied on this email) has done all but the first
release of this distribution anyway, and he’s happy for you to have co-maint,
I’ve just given you co-maint, on Mike’s behalf.
Thanks for stepping
Hi Scott,
> At some point we should consider a longer-term solution for the ownership
Once you’ve got a history of (good!) releases under your belt, and enough time
has passed, you can come back and request that you be given the first-come
We almost never transfer the first-come pe
Hi Max,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I’ve just transferred first-come permissions to you, on Christoph’s behalf.
Thanks for taking this module on.
And thanks to Christoph as well.
Hi Ryan,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I’ve also tried to contact Fredrik, but haven’t had any reply yet.
Let’s wait another week or so, and then if neither of us has had any response,
we’ll give you co-maint. So nudge us at the tail end of next week please, or
the start of the following week.
I’m assuming that Liz scheduled deletions of all her releases from her author
directory. Are you able to confirm that from logs, Andreas? Can you produce a
list of the dists that she recently released, as opposed to a list of all her
past releases, which I can get from BackPAN?
The more importa
> It was LNATION who volunteered to take over what needs to be taken over.
> He contacted us via the modules@ mailing list but the mail has not
> arrived yet, so I asked him to send it to me privately and so he did. He
> took over a long list of permissions.
I noticed that at least for Pe
Hi Liz,
Greetings to you and Wendy from a grey and cold Marlow!
I’m wearing my PAUSE admin hat for this email :-)
Recently you deleted your CPAN distributions. Some of them have been adopted by
people, and so will be back on CPAN soon, if not already.
In some cases you still have co-maint, so
Hi Liz,
> > Recently you deleted your CPAN distributions. Some of them have been
> > adopted by people, and so will be back on CPAN soon, if not already.
> >
> > In some cases you still have co-maint, so would get copied in on bug
> > reports from RT and other emails like that. Would you like us
Hi Fredrik & Ryan,
I’ve just transferred first-come permissions on Minecraft::RCON from Fredrik
(DEMMY) to Ryan (RJT).
Thanks for taking this on Ryan, and thanks Frederik for letting him :-)
Salut Jean,
> In my on-going endeavour to adopt fun date modules, half-serious date
> modules, niche date modules and edge date modules, I have noticed that
> Date::Holidays::FR, created by FABPOT, is now assigned to ADOPTME.
> […]
> Now, can you reassign this module to me JFORGET, so I can re
A number of people volunteered to take on TimeDate and address the breakage.
Thank you to all who did.
Given this distribution is fairly far up the CPAN River (more than 8700 other
CPAN distributions ultimately dependent on it), the PAUSE admins had a
discussion on who was the best candidate, i
Hi Oleg,
Why do i see "Why not adopt me?" on my module?
When you adopted the module, you were given co-maint, rather than being
transferred the first-come permission.
The first-come indexing permission is still assigned to ADOPTME, which is why
you’re seeing that on MetaCPAN.
I’ll transfer th
Hi Fan,
Did you receive a second email from PAUSE, with the results from the PAUSE
That should give you some hints as to why your release wasn’t indexed.
Hi Fan,
I just noticed something about your release.
In Makefile.PL you have:
'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/Google/Ads/GoogleAds/GoogleAdsClient.pm',
And then in that file, I see:
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Constants; our $VERSION =
When I run
Hi Fan,
> when I tried to upload the latest distribution, the PAUSE system told me that
> there's a duplication. Is there any way for me to submit the new distribution
> and override the previous one?
Sorry, I should have been more explicit in my previous email, when I said "bump
the version".
Hi Fan,
I uploaded the Google-Ads-GoogleAds-Client 2.2.2 version 3 days before and it
seems all tests are fine.
May I know how long it usually takes for a distribution to be indexed?
In generally takes a lot less than an hour.
There’s obviously something not quite right with your distribution.
Hi Todd,
Matt was happy for you to have the first-come permission on CDB_File, so I’ve
just transferred that to you, and dropped the co-maint on HANDOFF.
Hi Jacques,
> As mentioned previously, I would appreciate if you could allocate me this
> unique name space DB::Object.
> No one else is currently using it.
At the moment the first-come indexing permission on DB::Object is assigned to
ISAAC (Issac, who I’ve copied on this email).
Issac, are yo
Hi Shlomi,
> Tree::AVL should be indexed again in PAUSE . Please see
> https://github.com/metacpan/metacpan-web/issues/2273 for more information.
> You may wish to see if there are other modules whose indexing was dropped
> and/or deploy an automated check for making sure it remains indexed.
Hi Issac,
> I never got CC-ed on the original mail (I'm long since unsubscribed to
> modules@), but I dug around in PAUSE and think I finally figured out where to
> transfer maintainership of the namespace.
Jacques now has control of the n
Hi Tim,
Apologies for the delay on this. Sadly, and also ironically, for you, the
muppet who didn’t get round to setting up a repo and doing the release is also
the PAUSE admin responsible for indexing permission changes.
I’ll give you co-maint on all the packages in the Net-SAML2 distribution
> Would you mind adding TIMLEGGE to Saml2Test as well.
Hi Peter,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m also on this. I’ve copied this reply to
the PAUSE admins public list, which is modules@perl.org
> I would like to take over the responsibility of the Math-Matrix distribution
> / the Math::Matrix module.
If you haven’t already read it, the PAUSE O
Hi Fred,
I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat.
Gabor Szabo would like to giving PAUSE indexing permissions on Business::PayPal
to Josh Rabinowitz who has volunteered to take it forward.
But Gabor can’t do that, because you still have the first-come permission.
Would you be happy for me
Hi Josh,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
Gabor can’t grant you indexing permission, because he doesn’t have the first
come permission. See the PAUSE Operating Model[1] if you’re not see what those
things mean.
Anyway, I’ve emailed Fred Moyer who has control of the Business::PayPal module
name, t
Hi Sam,
> Acme::Addslashes is very, very silly, but it’s a fine joke by my late
> colleague James Aitken, which I slightly contributed to at the time, and I’d
> be honoured to maintain it in his memory. I’m SKINGTON on PAUSE, and I wrote
> Silly::StringMaths so I clearly have no shame.
I’ve jus
Hi Vitali,
> I'd be willing to adopt [App::bmkpasswd]. My Pause-ID is VPEIL.
I’ve just transferred the first-come permissions on both modules in the
distribution to you.
Hi Tim,
> I'm interested in adopting the XML::Sig module. If you can grant me the
> privilege I will release the next version.
I’ve just given you the first-come indexing permission on XML::Sig — thanks for
adopting this.
I’ve copied in the original author, who I checked with, and who is happy
Hi Jerrad,
If a module is detected with a decreasing version number, then it won’t be
Let’s have a look at what’s in the CPAN Index[1] for your IO-Pager distribution
right now:
IO::Pager 1.03 J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-1.03.tgz
IO::Pager::Buffered 1.03 J/JP/JPIERC
Hi Wei,
Your PAUSE account had been configured so that PAUSE emails were not forwarded
to your email address.
I have corrected this, and updated your email address.
Hi Steve,
> I see [Business::US::USPS::WebTools] is on the CPAN-Adoptable-Modules list
> and is no longer present on CPAN. Can I adopt it? My CPAN ID is SSIMMS. In
> case it's helpful for transfer purposes, my GitHub account is ssimms.
I’ve just transferred the first-come permissions to you for:
Hi Håkon,
You asked why you got the warnings from PAUSE about missing permissions. This
is also why these appeared when looking at your release on MetaCPAN:
The root cause was that LETO had the primary indexing permission (known as the
first-come indexing permission) on most of the modules in
Hi Philippe!
> I'm volunteering to adopt the Acme-MJD distribution.
I tried emailing PODMASTER, who has first-come on this, but it bounced. I’ve
tried contacting PODMASTER before, and failed.
Given this was last released in 2003, and PODMASTER hasn’t released anything
since 2005, I’ve given you
Hi Phil,
> I am getting the following error when I try to upload a later copy of an
> existing module. Please tell me what action I should take to get the latest
> version of this module into CPAN?
In the PAUSE web interface, there’s a function "Force Reindexing". You can
select one or more of
Hi Dean,
Looking at Noda-san’s email, I’m not 100% sure that he was saying he’s happy
for you to have co-maint. I *think* he is, but to be sure I’ve asked a Japanese
friend to email him for confirmation. Hopefully we’ll get that soon, and we’ll
give you co-maint.
Hi Shawn,
Thanks for raising this.
> While making a local clone of the cpan repo recently using minicpan I
> received the following output:
> […]
> http://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/P/PH/PHRED/Archive-Zip-1.68.tar.gz: 403
> VirusFound
> […]
I’m pretty sure this is down to an overzealous of mi
Hi Marco,
> I've uploaded Translate-Fluent-v0.6.1.tar.gz to pause and I'm getting an
> email saying that the indexer failed to index it.
Can you forward the full email you got from PAUSE please?
I downloaded your tarball and had a quick look — as you say, it all looks ok.
The one thing that I n
Hi Avishai,
> I saw that PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Call is available for adoption, and I'd love
> to release the next version. I see there are a bunch of failures in CPANTS,
> and I'd love to get that fixed.
The distribution was flagged for ADOPTME, as you know, but I also checked with
the original a
Hi Alex,
PAUSE accounts aren’t automatically approved, they have to be approved by an
The name associated with the registration doesn’t appear to be your name,
though it is this email address. Plus the rationale given sounded more like an
elevator pitch for your referenced web site.
Hi Celogeek,
Looking at the CPAN Index, it looks like your module was indexed:
WWW::Shorten::SCK 0.8 C/CE/CELOGEEK/WWW-Shorten-SCK-0.8.tar.gz
When you get an error message, it’s best to wait an hour or so, and see if the
module has been added to the index.
You can download the index yo
Hi Nigel,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m emailing you wearing that hat.
You had co-maint on most of the modules in the HTML-Formatter distribution, and
Jeff Goff had the primary (first-come) indexing permission. You had first-come
on HTML::FormatMarkdown, and have done recent releases.
Hi Igor,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
We have someone who would like to use the Test::DB namespace, but they can’t at
the moment because you have the indexing permission on Test::DB and
Test::DB::Table. You released these in early versions of your
QBit-Application-Model-DB distribution, and be
Hi Al,
> Just nudging the group to get this issue visibility! This distribution,
> https://metacpan.org/release/MADSKILL/QBit-Application-Model-DB-0.009,
> seemingly accidentally registered the namespace for Test::DB, and others. I'd
> like to have primary maintainership permissions for Test::DB
Hi Josh,
Fred was happy for you to take over Business-PayPal, so I’ve transferred the
first-come indexing permission to you.
Hi Peter,
I would like to take over the responsibility of the Math-Matrix distribution /
the Math::Matrix module.
I also tried to contact Ulrich, but failed.
As a result I’ve given you co-maint on Math::Matrix.
Please note: this distribution has 7 other CPAN distributions that depend on it:
Hi Thibault,
> I wanted to push some technical fixes to these modules but they are not
> maintained anymore. The owner answered by email directly that he is OK for
> giving ownership to somebody else (and he posted a message in that direction
> on one of distribution issue tracker :
> https://r
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
THESEAL now has the first-come indexing permission on Config::File, so he is
able to grant co-maint to whomever he likes.
As part of doing this, I had to re-index the latest release from THESEAL, which
is why he got the email about a reindexing.
Hi Michael,
> Sorry, my PAUSE id is mstemle.
Thanks. I’ve just give you first-come indexing permission on Data::JavaScript.
I couldn’t find a github repo for it.
Hi all,
I have given LBROCARD first-come indexing permissions on all packages in
I then gave BARNEY co-maint on all packages as well.
Hi Josh,
I’m seeing it owned by Gabor in metacpan still. Is this in progress/need I do
anything to compete the transfer?
I’m not seeing it owned by Gabor on MetaCPAN. Gabor did the most recent
release, so he’s shown as the releaser:
There have been various discussions over the years about ho
Hi Chase,
I’ve tried to contact the author, to see if he’s happy for you to have co-maint
on the modules.
I need to give him a bit longer to reply, before handing over the keys.
Hi Kevin,
> I don't think the ADOPTME wasn't intentional. Looking back I see a warning
> about it from back in 2016 that I guess I ignored; I suspect I didn't realize
> I had to remove it when I took over the module.
> That being said, while I planned on working on any reported issues, and any
Hi Dean,
JUNNAMA hasn’t replied to our Japanese contact, so I decided that we should go
ahead and give you co-maint. While I wasn’t 100% sure that this is what he
meant by his email to you, it’s definitely one reading of it. And given it
hasn’t had a release since 2013, this seems low risk.
Hi Anselmo,
> […] as long as CPAN name is concerned, I am dubious about the name, this
> daemon works only on Linux, due to inotify system call usage, and it is a
> single executable, so I thought about these possible names:
> • App::Realtimed
> • App::Linux::Realtimed
> • Linux::App::Realtimed
Hi Dave,
I’ve just tried another address for Daniel (I dropped the "-cpan" off the email
address :-) and asked if he’s ok for you to have co-maint, and that I can make
the change on his behalf. It hasn’t bounced, so let’s wait a bit to see if he
Given he hasn’t released anything on CP
Hi James,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting the Memcached::libmemcached module. If you can
> grant me the privilege I will release the next version.
Thanks for stepping up to help the fight against CPAN bitrot.
Typically when a module has been flagged ADOPTME, an adoptio
Hi Dave,
Dan Sully (who did the the most recent release, in 2008) was happy for you to
get co-maint.
I’ve not been able to contact the original author, but given he last released
it in 2004, I think we’re ok to give you co-maint.
I’ve just given you co-maint. Thank you for fighting CPAN bitrot
Hi Marco,
I’ve updated your PAUSE account (MAGO) with your current email address.
Hi Zeus,
We can’t rename your SEUS pause account to be ZEUS, but we can mark your SEUS
account for deletion, and then I’ll create your ZEUS account.
Login to PAUSE with your SEUS account, and do the following:
• Change your fullname to be "Awaiting Deletion"
• Blank out the email address field
Hi Mary,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m following up on your request for a new
PAUSE account.
You said that you wanted the PAUSE account for use with MetaCPAN. You can log
in to MetaCPAN with a github, twitter, or google account, so you don’t need a
PAUSE account for that.
PAUSE is the
Hi Oguchi-san,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m following up on your request for a new
PAUSE account.
You said that you wanted the PAUSE account for use with MetaCPAN. You can log
in to MetaCPAN with a github, twitter, or google account, so you don’t need a
PAUSE account for that.
Hi Wenwu,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
Some months back you requested a PAUSE account, mentioning that you were doing
some Mojo:: development.
Normally requests like this are approved right away. But you requested a PAUSE
id of HUAWEI, which is a trademark of the Huawei company.
If you’d stil
Can you submit a new request for a CARELINE account please?
Once you’ve done that, I’ll approve it promptly.
Hi Miko,
> Please set BAKERSCOT as the primary maintainer for String::Util. Thank you.
I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission to Scott. You’ve been
given co-maint; if you don’t even want that, let Scott know and he can drop
your co-maint :-)
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m emailing you wearing that hat.
The XML-XPathScript distribution was originally created by Matt; Dominique then
did 5 releases; since 2005 Yanick has done 24 releases. Chris (PERIGRIN)
doesn’t seem to have done any releases, but he has the first-come inde
Hi Jonas,
I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat.
The Tie-Tools CPAN distribution has first-come permissions given to ADOPTME
apart from the lead module, Tie::Tools.
I’m guessing that you mean for the distribution to be available for adoption,
but wanted to check rather than just assume a
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m sorting out distributions that have
fractured ownership, as PAUSE tries to not let this happen now[1].
Archive-Zip is such a distribution: SMPETERS has first-come on the lead
package, Archive::Zip; ADAMK
Smashing! I have transferred PERIGRIN’s first-come on the lead package, so
YANICK now holds all the aces, and the dist falls off my hit list.
Thanks all,
I’m wearing my PAUSE admin hat, and emailing you about the first-come indexing
permissions on packages in the Alien-Build distribution. I’m looking into
distributions which have more than one person holding first-come[1]
Most of the packages have a single permission: fi
> My opinion, and if Joel agrees, is it would be best to make me first-come on
> all the modules in Alien-Build, keep JBERGER, ETJ and ZMUGHAL as co-maint
> (adding new modules that they do not already have co-main to). Although only
> Joel and myself have made releases, at different points all
Hi VTI and OLEG,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working on sorting out situation where the
first-come permissions associated with a distribution are shared between 2 or
more people. These days PAUSE tries to ensure that the lead author retains
first-come on all packages, regardless of who
I’m one of the PAUSE admins; I’m working through distributions where multiple
people have first-come permissions on different packages. These days PAUSE
tries to ensure that the lead author retains first-come on all packages,
regardless of
> Yeah totally fine by me. Do I need to do anything in pause?
Nope, it’s all been sorted now — thanks.
Hi Jonas,
Thanks for getting back to me — I have now made all of Tie-Tools owned by
So now when you look, you’ll see that all of your distributions have clean
single ownership.
Hi Casey,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through cases where a distribution
has multiple people holding the first-come indexing permission on one or more
packages in a distribution. PAUSE tries to not let this happen nowadays, but
there are historical cases to resolve.
One such i
Hi Lincoln,
> I'd be happy for Lee to take over primary ownership and maintenance of CGI.
Great — I’ve transferred first-come permissions on all packages to LEEJO. You
now have co-maint on them.
> Also, it would be very kind of you to schedule the deletion of the old CGI
> releases.
I’ll sched
> I’m comfortable giving up perms or having co-maint, whichever is easiest for
> you. :-)
Thanks. It was not quite the easiest, but the cleanest, to drop all your perms
on that package, since you didn’t have perms on the others.
Hi Leon,
The VCS distribution has ADOPTME with first come on the VCS package itself, but
you have first-come in the other packages that make up the VCS dist.
Can I just check that you meant for distribution to be up for distribution
please? If so I’ll transfer all the others to ADOPTME as well.
Hi Fergal,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working on resolving situations where two
or more people own parts of a distribution. PAUSE tries hard now to make sure
this doesn’t happen, but there are some historical cases that we’re tidying up.
You original released Test::Deep, but since 201
> Yes, that's fine by me.
Thank you — I’ve just transferred first-come to PSCUST.
Hi Ed,
> I’ll take the first-come (it’s been a month for that!) – thanks for the
> checking!
Great — I’ve just given you first-come on all packages, and dropped ADOPTME’s
Hi Randy,
Marcel Grünauer said that he was happy for you to have first-come permission on
Pod::Markdown, so now you have first-come on both modules in the Pod-Markdown
Thanks all.
I’ve transferred all first-come permissions to PHRED. If nothing else it means
that there’s a single person who can give out co-maint bits, or hand over the
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working on resolving distributions where
multiple people hold first-come permissions on packages that make up the
distribution. One of these is the Algorithm-Diff distribution. It’s a bit
complicated, so please bear with me.
MJD did the first 5 releases
Hi Jens,
> The Co-Maint of Hash-Merge told me today he has no permissions to upload a
> new distribution and I took a look, the permissions are entirely gone.
> Can someone explain this? Can you please restore the correct permissions?
I have a copy of 06perms.txt from earlier this month, and
I’ve added the permissions back as they were:
% perms Hash::Merge
I added a comment about this on the ticket for #348 as well.
Hi Matt,
You did one release of XML-Feed in 2011, 0.44, between SIMONW’s releases and
Looking at the permissions matrix for XML-Feed (first-come to the left of the
bar), it looks like you added XML::Feed::Enclosure in your release:
Are you happy for me to transfer your first-com
Hi Graham & Peter
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m sorting out situations where CPAN
distributions have split ownership, as it can result in parts of releases not
getting indexed, and then when transferring permissions, modules get missed.
PAUSE tries to not let this happen now, but there a
Hi Hans,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m sorting out situations where CPAN
distributions have split ownership, as it can result in parts of releases not
getting indexed, and then when transferring permissions, modules get missed.
PAUSE tries to not let this happen now, but there are some h
Thanks Dieter — I’ve transferred all first-comes to GENEHACK, and you now have
co-maint on all packages, along with PERIGRIN.
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