Hi Graham & Peter

I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m sorting out situations where CPAN 
distributions have split ownership, as it can result in parts of releases not 
getting indexed, and then when transferring permissions, modules get missed. 
PAUSE tries to not let this happen now, but there are some historical cases, 
which I’m working through. The perl-ldap distribution is one such case.

It appears that GBARR did releases from 1998 through 2011, and then MARSCHAP 
has done releases since then. As a result, GBARR has first-come permissions on 
most of the packages, and MARSCHAP has first-come on most of the rest. PLDAP 
has first-come on Net::LDAP, and you both have co-maint.

It seems like there are two options here:

1. Give first-come on all packages to PLDAP, and co-maint to both of you. Is 
the Perl LDAP mailing list at all active these days?
2. Give first-come on all packages MARSCHAP, drop PLDAP, and if GBARR wants to 
have co-maint, make sure he has co-maint on everything.

Option (2) looks the most likely to me, but what do you two think?


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