Dear CPAN authors SMPETERS, ADAMK, NEDKONZ, and PHRED, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m sorting out distributions that have fractured ownership, as PAUSE tries to not let this happen now[1].
Archive-Zip is such a distribution: SMPETERS has first-come on the lead package, Archive::Zip; ADAMK has first-come on one package; NEDKONZ has first-come on the rest; but PHRED has been doing releases since 2013, including one this year. So I propose that we give PHRED first-come on all packages in Archive-Zip, so that should he want to give someone else co-maint in the future, he’s actually able to do it. What say ye? Thanks, Neil PS email bounces will be interpreted as "I don’t care, do what you think is right" :-) [1]