Hi Håkon,

You asked why you got the warnings from PAUSE about missing permissions. This 
is also why these appeared when looking at your release on MetaCPAN:

The root cause was that LETO had the primary indexing permission (known as the 
first-come indexing permission) on most of the modules in the Math-GSL 
distribution, but AMBS had the first-come indexing permission on those four 
modules above.

So when LETO gave you co-maint on Math-GSL, you didn’t get go-maint on those 
four modules.

Here’s what I’ve done:

• I switched LETO to have first-come on those four modules, so now he has 
first-come on the whole distribution. I’ve copied LETO and AMBS on this email, 
so they’re aware.
• I gave you co-maint on the four missing modules
• I’ve forced a re-index of your most recent release. You shouldn’t get any 
warnings about missing permissions from now on.
• I can’t remember if MetaCPAN needs a re-index after all of the above, so I’ve 
bcc’d someone to nudge that, just in case.

Happy releasing!


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