Hi Jerrad, If a module is detected with a decreasing version number, then it won’t be indexed.
Let’s have a look at what’s in the CPAN Index[1] for your IO-Pager distribution right now: IO::Pager 1.03 J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-1.03.tgz IO::Pager::Buffered 1.03 J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-1.03.tgz IO::Pager::less 1.02 J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-1.03.tgz IO::Pager::Page 1.02 J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-1.03.tgz IO::Pager::Perl 1.03 J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-1.03.tgz IO::Pager::Unbuffered 10.02 J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-1.02.tgz What this means is that if someone types "cpan IO::Pager::Unbuffered" right now, then they’d end up with the 1.02 release being installed, instead of the 1.03 release. If they typed "cpan IO::Pager", then they’ll get the 1.03 release. It’s a good idea to have all the module versions to be the same as the version number of the release. Sadly, in this case, because you accidentally released version 10.02 of IO::Pager::Unbuffered, the only way you can have consistent versioning is either to bump the version to 11.00 and start afresh from there, or to rename IO::Pager::Unbuffered, so the new module can have version number 1.04 (assuming that’s what you release next). Ok, to be fair, there is a "Reset Version" feature in PAUSE, which tells it to forget the version number associated with a module: https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?ACTION=reset_version Not that the page discourages its use. I’m guessing — based purely on its name — that IO::Pager::Unbuffered is an internal class, unlikely to be used directly by people. So maybe you can get away with using Reset Version. After doing that, click on "Force Reindexing", and select the 1.03 release to be reindexed. And then go and have a shower! ;-) Cheers, Neil