Hi Fan,

I uploaded the Google-Ads-GoogleAds-Client 2.2.2 version 3 days before and it 
seems all tests are fine.

May I know how long it usually takes for a distribution to be indexed?

In generally takes a lot less than an hour.

There’s obviously something not quite right with your distribution. Did you get 
a second email from PAUSE with results of the indexer?

Given your distribution is called Google-Ads-GoogleAds-Client, PAUSE expects to 
find a module called Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client — you need to have an 
indexing permission on that module for the distribution to be indexed.

To test that, just create lib/Google/Ads/GoogleAds/Client.pm as a place-holder 
class, and upload a new version (remember to bump the version number please! ;-)

Let us know how that goes. If your next upload doesn’t get indexed, please let 
us know how many emails you got from PAUSE, and include the contents of the 
second email, if you get one.


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