Hi Jerrad,

> Over the past year I have tried to reach out to the author of Term::Pager.
> I furnished several patches with RT tickets
> https://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Name=Term-Pager
> and sent the author email directly, which have been ignored. Today I filed
> a ticket on the moribund github project for the module, which was closed
> without comment:
> https://github.com/jaw0/Term-Pager/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed
> Would it be possible for me to take the reigns for this module? I would
> like to add it as a dependency for another module of mine, but to do so
> it must be patched.

I’ve been in touch with Jeff, the author of Term::Pager, and he doesn’t want to 
grant co-maint.

If there are changes you’d like to see, you have at least two options:

1. You could email Jeff and describe the changes you’d like to see, and ask if 
he’s open to them, and if so how he’d like to see them implemented. The github 
repo is https://github.com/jaw0/Term-Pager. You could open issues for the 
individual points you covered in your big patch, and deal with them 
2. You could fork the module and create your own with a different name. Best 
for CPAN if you pursue option 1 first though.


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