Hi Anselmo,
> […] as long as CPAN name is concerned, I am dubious about the name, this 
> daemon works only on Linux, due to inotify system call usage, and it is a 
> single executable, so I thought about these possible names:
> • App::Realtimed
> • App::Linux::Realtimed
> • Linux::App::Realtimed
> • Linux::Daemon::Realtimed
> • Daemon::Linux::Realtimed
> • Linux::Realtimed
> • Realtimed
> the last two ones seems preferable

We strongly discourage  the use of top-level namespaces like "Realtimed". And 
given it’s Linux specific, a name beginning with Linux:: makes sense. I’d go 
with either Linux::Daemon::* or Linux::*

From the description of incrond — which I’m not at all familiar with — maybe 
something like Linux::FileMonitor might also work, as that seems to be what it 
does (monitor files and then invoke commands triggered by events on the files?)

> In case, can you reserve to me the chosen namespace?

We don’t reserve namespaces.

Once you’ve picked a name, you could sketch out your design in code and do a 
placeholder release, with a caveat at the head of the DESCRIPTION section in 
the doc. Then you’d get the first-come indexing permission assigned to you for 
the top namespace of your app.

But to be honest, I suspect you could just go ahead and develop it, and it’s 
unlikely anyone would have bagged your chosen namespace in the meantime.


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