Hi Kevin,
> I don't think the ADOPTME wasn't intentional. Looking back I see a warning 
> about it from back in 2016 that I guess I ignored; I suspect I didn't realize 
> I had to remove it when I took over the module.
> That being said, while I planned on working on any reported issues, and any 
> work that might be needed to keep it working on perl 7, I don't mind passing 
> on the first-come permission to someone who might want to do more with it. I 
> would like to keep co-maintainer on it though.

Ok. Given that Ed is a safe pair of hands, and I’m sure would be happy to have 
a co-conspirator, I’ve give Ed the first-come permissions on the modules in the 
Make distribution, with you retaining co-maint.

I’ve dropped ADOPTME from all of them.


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