Hi James,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'm interested in adopting the Memcached::libmemcached module. If you can 
> grant me the privilege I will release the next version.

Thanks for stepping up to help the fight against CPAN bitrot.

Typically when a module has been flagged ADOPTME, an adoption request like 
yours is straightforward. But in some cases we have to do a bit more due 

And this is one of those cases ;-)

The module has six people with co-maint (which isn’t very common — roughly 
three quarters of modules have no co-maint, and the next most common pattern is 
a single co-maint), and 5 of those have done a release at some point (CHIPS, in 
case you weren’t sure, you’re the odd one out).

Furthermore, there are four other distributions on CPAN that depend on 
Memcached-libmemcached, including one last released by one of the co-maints (Hi 

Given the above, I just wanted to check that all the co-mainters, particularly 
the past releases and dependers, are happy for you to take ownership and start 
releasing. If they all reply in the affirmative, then I’ll make the change 
straight away. Otherwise I’ll wait a week, and if no-one complains, I’ll make 
the change next Monday.


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