> It seems to me that if there is no internationally accepted definition > of signal to noise ratio in powder diffraction, then let me suggest > that > this forum might be a way to define it once and for all. How about > this? > SNR = (P-B)/SQRT(B). > > Of course this would only give a value for a single peak. I suppose > one could also define a global SNR as a sum over all > Global SNR = sum over peaks (P-B)/SQRT(B). > > Does this make sense? > Mike
A more overall value would be a normalized sum of the ratios (Ip-Ib)/sqrt(Ib), where Ip and Ib are the profile intensities of the pattern and the background for each datapoint. Leonid ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. http://tools.search.yahoo.com/newsearch/category.php?category=shopping