Hello, I am a grad student and am just getting started using GSAS to refine structures. I have gone through the tutorials so I have a good sense for the software.
Now I am attempting to load my own data and am running into some problems. I noticed a lot of the potential fixes I found from searching the internet lead to this forum, so I thought I would ask directly. So... First, how should I load my 2-theta (or q) vs. Intensity 2-column data into GSAS (ESD format I suppose)? I tried some of the programs like ConvX and PowderX but was not successful. I took a look at the example files like NICKEL.raw and fap.xra that are used in the tutorials, but it was not clear to me how to port my ASCII files into this format. Sorry to bother this list with such a mundane question. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Vic