Hi Jon,

Thanks for the advice, but the setup_fullprof_suite file comes with the
necessary permissions and is recognised as an executable, nonetheless I did
reset the permissions but to no avail. When I type $ ./setup_fullprof_suite all
it does is simply to return the prompt.

I did install upx-ucl though that didn't make any difference when trying to
install fullprof. Looking at the line $ upx -d fp2k it appears it may be
necessary after having installed and setup fullprof perhaps?

I also installed elfutils with the dependencies libelf1 and libelfg0, but that
didn't help either.

Any help will be appreciated.

Quoting Jon Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


The "ELF" usually means it is the equivalent of a .exe file? Try:

chmod a+x setup_fullprof_suite ; ./setup_fullprof_suite

Something came up on the list a while ago about a upx issue. You previously needed something like:

$ sudo apt-get install upx-ucl
$ upx -d fp2k

But perhaps things have changed now

Good luck


William Bisson wrote:
Dear all,

Can someone please tell me how to install Fullprof in Linux.

After downloading and untarring the file I run the setup_fullprof_suite file
typing $sh setup_fullprof_suite and I end up with the following message
regardless of whether being superuser or not.

setup_fullprof_suite: 1: ELFLinux?44: not found
setup_fullprof_suite: 2: 1?X???T?P???RQ?: not found
setup_fullprof_suite: 4: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

I am running Kubuntu 8.04 64-bit version.

William Bisson

Webmaster and Administrator - CCP14 and BCA

William Bisson

Webmaster and Administrator - CCP14 and BCA

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