As a 1st year PhD student I joined the mailing list at the suggestion of my
supervisor and although I have not contributed to any of the discussions I
regularly read the questions and replies. Some of the questions are out of
my field of interest but seeing different people's points of view is always
very useful.
I am just worried that most people would instinctively hit 'reply' rather
than 'reply to all' when entering a discussion on a question and so would
leave the rest of us out of the answer.
Does anyone feel the same?
Ross Colman

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 17 March 2008 12:22
To: Rietveld_L@ill.fr
Subject: Re: WARNING: Posting large attachments


why so restrictive? In many occasions it was helpful for discussion to have
small .gif or so. Also, I think data transfer and server capacity has
compared to, say, 10 y ago, and each of us receives plenty of (unrequested) 
MB every day. Why should we put a priori limits to what we are actually 
interested in?

So I think the present regulation is fine enough: try to be as short as
and if you send more than  50-100 kB you will be silenced by AH.



At 12:14 17/03/2008, you wrote:
0.5 KBytes is only 512 characters? I would h8 2 c text message style 
language as a consequence :-)

You're right Jon; I have requested 2K (~1 page). We are perhaps too old for 
SMS messaging shorthand :-) Alan.

Miguel Gregorkiewitz
Dip Scienze della Terra, Università
via Laterina 8, I-53100 Siena, Europe
fon +39'0577'233810 fax 233938

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