Dear Colleague,
The next measurement period will be in June/July 2008 .
The Easy Access System (EASY) will grant diffraction beamtime
to scientists from ILL member countries, who need a rapid structural
characterisation of samples and data analysis. Access is open all
year long, and it is not necessary to go through the ILL standard
proposal round and consequent peer review system.
The system offers one neutron day per cycle, on four instruments
(D1A, D2B, VIVALDI and ORIENTEXPRESS) to perform very short experiments
(a maximum of 4h per cycle) at room temperature. The users will not be
invited to the ILL, but will send their samples to one of two designated
ILL scientists (one for powder and one for single-crystal experiments),
who will be responsible for the measurements and sample radiological
control. The ILL will ship back the sample once the measurement is
Not only regular ILL users but also new users are strongly encouraged to
You can apply for EASY beam time on the Visitors Club web-site.
More information is available at
Best Regards
Emmanuelle Suard
Dr Emmanuelle Suard, ILL, Diffraction group, D2B responsible
Phone +33/ (0)4 76 20 71 64