Dear Rietveld list members,
with the new Match! version 1.8 that has just become available, you can use the ICSD/Retrieve database (release 1993-2002) as a reference pattern database in phase identification, provided of course that you have a valid licence for this database. According to our experiences, using the ICSD/Retrieve in combination with the free-of-charge IUCr/COD/AMCSD database (that can be downloaded from our web page) provides a real alternative to the PDF database, at a low price. The background is that the IUCr/COD/AMCSD database basically contains more recent entries, while the ICSD/Retrieve contains "older" entries that are missing in the IUCr/COD/AMCSD. Technically, the crystal structure data entries from the ICSD/Retrieve are first imported into a Match user database. During the import, the corresponding powder diffraction patterns as well as the I/Ic values required for semi-quantitative analysis are calculated automatically. The resulting user database file containing the ICSD/Retrieve entries can then be added as a reference database, just like any other "normal" user database. If you would like to learn more about Match!, please visit where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge. Update of the free-of-charge reference databases ------------------------------------------------ There are also new versions (released 21.04.2008) of the free-of-charge reference databases IUCr/COD/AMCSD that can be used with Match!. You can download them from With kind regards, Klaus Brandenburg and Holger Putz *************************************** Crystal Impact Dr. K. Brandenburg & Dr. H. Putz GbR Rathausgasse 30 53111 Bonn Germany Tel. : +49-228-9813643 Fax : +49-228-9813644 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web : ***************************************