>Apologies. I accidentally posted it to everybody in the list.

OK. We have changed the default "Reply" address so that the reply goes only to 
the original sender. In future, users must "Reply to all" or reply explicitly 
to <Rietveld_L@ill.fr> to post a message to everyone. This will prevent such 
mistakes, and also prevent automatic "out of office" replies going to the whole 

We have also limited the size of Rietveld list messages to 0.5 Kbytes, which 
should stop large attachments. Please tell me if this is a problem. 


Dr Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>fax+33.476.20.76.48
+33.476.20.72.13 (.26 Mme Guillermet)  http://www.ill.fr/dif/people/hewat/

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