Dear all,
Thank you for the kind and helpful answers I received. They are much 

I have another issue with regard to some intensity mismatches i get in a powder 
x-ray pattern.

I solved the structure of a compound by single crystal x-ray diffraction. I 
synthesized the same compound and the analog (just changing Co by Rh) in powder 
form to test the single crystal data and i obtained a low Rwp factor(3.4 %)for 
the Co compound.
However, for the Rh compound a great deal of fluorescence was observed in the 
x-ray pattern (high background) and in spite of the fact that the 
single-crystal model fitted well ( Rwp 2.2 %)it is considered not suitable for 

Recently, Our group has acquired a brand new x-ray powder diffractometer and 
the same Rh sample was used. The Rwp i get with the new data is 8.9%. A close 
look to the pattern reveals some overestimated peaks as well as underestimated 
peaks. The are no unfitted reflections and the peak positions are ok.

It is a compound that crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system. 
Apparently there is not a clear pattern in the hkl values of these peaks that 
would indicate a preferred orientation problem. might it be an instrumental 

Any suggestion will be much appreciated


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