Dear all,Now i am using the Topas Academic software to do the refinement of my sample which has stronger preferred orientations in some directions. In the program, i use the general spherical harmonics function to correlate the effect, as shown as below,
'Preferred Orientation using Spherical Harmonics PO_Spherical_Harmonics(sh, 6 load sh_Cij_prm { k00 !sh_c00 1.0000 k41 sh_c41 0.36706` k61 sh_c61 -0.30246` } )And I see the literature, texture index J is used to evaluate the extent of PO by the equation shown in attachment ( I don't how to put the equation here).
But I am not sure what the l means and itÂ’s not easy to find the detailed calculation in the literature. So I am wondering could someone of you give me some advice of the meaning of parameters m, n, l and in my case. Is the l is equal to 4 and 6?
Thank you very much for all your help and time. Xiujun Li Master Student Advanced Materials and Processing Laboratory Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G6 Phone: 1-780-492-0701
general spherical harmonics equation.doc
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