> What is current home page of the Rietveld users' mailing list?
> Links that I have are either not valid or mirrors.

Peter, although we maintain the Rietveld mailing list at ILL Grenoble, we
don't provide a "home page" as such. We do archive all postings on

You may be refering to the pages that Lachlan Cranswick set up for CCP14
with instructions for using the Rietveld list; you will find his own
mirror at:

I am not sure what further assistance you might require, but to obtain
help on using the ILL listserver, which includes the Rietveld list, simply
send a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the subject HELP :-)

Alan Hewat (Rietveld list maintainer).
PS to reply to the whole list <Rietveld_L@ill.fr>, use "Reply All"; to
reply only to the sender, use "Reply".
Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +33.476.98.41.68

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