Hello all, I am interested in finding software that can convert 2D diffraction 
rings into 1D diffraction patterns AND allow phase/pattern matching using the 
ICDD's PDF database. Currently, I am using Fit2D to convert my rings to 
patterns and then Match! to phase match my patterns. However, I'd like 
something alot more high throughput. Am I asking for too much. I've looked into 
using a program called PolySNAP. However I do not believe it is compatible to 
PDF-4+. Do any have you have experience with PolySNAP?
  Thanks in advance.

Yetta Porter-Chapman
Visiting Postdoctoral Scientist
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Rd.  Mail Stop 55-121
Berkeley, CA  94720
(510) 486-7537
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