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Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Claus Assmann
Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Claus Assmann
Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Kurt Hackenberg
Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Remco Rijnders
Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Aaron Schrab
Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Re: LF to CRLF translation responsibility
Kevin J. McCarthy
Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Christopher Zimmermann
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Gero Treuner
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Cameron Simpson
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Christopher Zimmermann
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Gero Treuner
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Gero Treuner
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Vincent Lefevre
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Vincent Lefevre
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Oswald Buddenhagen
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Vincent Lefevre
Re: Use curses' raw instead of cbreak mode to capture \C[cyz\]
Derek Martin
Re: mutt 1.14.0 released
Moritz Barsnick
Re: mutt 1.14.0 released
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: mutt 1.14.0 released
Eike Rathke
Re: mutt 1.14.0 released
Re: mutt 1.14.0 released
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: mutt 1.14.0 released
Bytes size display
Vincent Lefevre
exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Claus Assmann
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Claus Assmann
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Claus Assmann
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Claus Assmann
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Vincent Lefevre
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Gero Treuner
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Vincent Lefevre
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Claus Assmann
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Vincent Lefevre
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: exact address: broken with utf-8 encoding
Kevin J. McCarthy
consistency in message strings
Vincent Lefevre
Re: consistency in message strings
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: consistency in message strings
Re: consistency in message strings
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: consistency in message strings
Vincent Lefevre
Re: consistency in message strings
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: consistency in message strings
Vincent Lefevre
Re: consistency in message strings
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: consistency in message strings
Re: consistency in message strings
Steve Karmeinsky
Re: consistency in message strings
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: consistency in message strings
Re: consistency in message strings
Vincent Lefevre
Re: consistency in message strings
Derek Martin
Re: consistency in message strings
Vincent Lefevre
Re: consistency in message strings
Derek Martin
Re: consistency in message strings
Derek Martin
Re: consistency in message strings
Vincent Lefevre
[PATCH] olen length requirement was too conservative
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] olen length requirement was too conservative
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] olen length requirement was too conservative
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: [PATCH] olen length requirement was too conservative
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] olen length requirement was too conservative
Kevin J. McCarthy
[PATCH] Include instructions on how to build with sidebar support
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Include instructions on how to build with sidebar support
Kevin J. McCarthy
[PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Matthias Andree
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Matthias Andree
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Arnt Gulbrandsen
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Oswald Buddenhagen
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Oswald Buddenhagen
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Oswald Buddenhagen
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Steffen Nurpmeso
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Ian Collier
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Ian Collier
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Oswald Buddenhagen
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Arnt Gulbrandsen
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Oswald Buddenhagen
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Derek Martin
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Oswald Buddenhagen
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Steffen Nurpmeso
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Gero Treuner
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Vincent Lefevre
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Re: [PATCH] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Kevin J. McCarthy
[PATCH 1/3] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
[PATCH 2/3] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
[PATCH 3/3] Change Message-ID generation to be more unique and leak less information
Remco Rijnders
Mutt 1.14 freeze in progress
Kevin J. McCarthy
Upcoming freeze for 1.14 release
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Upcoming freeze for 1.14 release
Aaron Schrab
Re: Upcoming freeze for 1.14 release
Kevin J. McCarthy
Counting single inline-part "attachments"
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Counting single inline-part "attachments"
David Champion
Re: Counting single inline-part "attachments"
Kevin J. McCarthy
Limit beeping mailboxes
Re: Limit beeping mailboxes
Derek Martin
Re: Limit beeping mailboxes
Attachments counter broken?
Re: Attachments counter broken?
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Attachments counter broken?
Derek Martin
Re: Attachments counter broken?
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Attachments counter broken?
Re: Attachments counter broken?
David Champion
Re: Attachments counter broken?
Fabian Groffen
Re: Attachments counter broken?
David Champion
Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Gerry O'Brien
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Steffen Nurpmeso
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Steffen Nurpmeso
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Gerry O'Brien
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Gerry O'Brien
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Alexander Perlis
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Alexander Perlis
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Will Yardley
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Arnt Gulbrandsen
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Alexander Perlis
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Alexander Perlis
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Arnt Gulbrandsen
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Arnt Gulbrandsen
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Steffen Nurpmeso
Re: Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP?
Arnt Gulbrandsen
Background editing
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Background editing
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Background editing
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Background editing
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Background editing
Eike Rathke
Re: Background editing
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Background editing
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Background editing
Eike Rathke
Re: Background editing
Moritz Barsnick
Re: Background editing
Eike Rathke
Re: Background editing
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Background editing
Eike Rathke
Re: Background editing
Kevin J. McCarthy
Re: Background editing
Eike Rathke
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